Episode 1 – Out With A Bang    
(Mist rises as an aerial shot pans in on the coast of a jungle at sunrise. An ox-drawn cart pulls a
load of sugar cane along the dirt road of a poor village. Driving the cart is a small, withered
Moskito Indian. As the oxen and the wagon pass by, a line of people start to emerge from
a trail behind him and walk into the village, down the main street and toward the ocean.
They look pensive but resolved, smiling and waving at the Indian villagers as they pass by.
The townspeople wave back politely and whisper excitedly to one another.  Jeff Probst stands
off to the side, watching the procession.  He turns to the camera and begins his narration)

Probst: We are in Bluefields, a small agricultural village on the Mosquito Coast of Nicaragua in the heart of Central America, where these 16 Americans are about to begin the adventure of a lifetime.  They will depart from this village as a group of men and a group of women.  Their destination: the island of Cayo Tyara, a beautiful but dangerous jungle located at the edge of the Carribean Sea.  This will be their home for the next 39 days.  They will be abandoned, left to fend for themselves, utilizing the resources of the land and their own survival skills.

(The survivors reach the docks and get into two boats, the men in one and the women in the other)
This is our third outing with a group that has previous ties, and as we've seen before, knowing your competitors beforehand can only make for a more unpredictable game.
They will be stranded.  Left to fend for themselves using the resources of the land and their own survival skills.  It is the ultimate challenge:  16 people forced to work together to create a new society, battling the elements, and each other.  They must learn to adapt, or they'll be voted off the island.  In the end, only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize..
39 days,
16 people,
One... Survivor!  

Ancient Voices 
(The two boats pull up to the shore of a densely forested island, where Jeff Probst is waiting)
Probst:  Let's go guys.  Follow me.
(The sixteen file off the boats and walk over to two groups of stools)
Probst:  Why don't you guys take a seat?  Ladies on the left, men on the right.
(The men seat themselves on the camera's right, the females on the left)
Probst:  Welcome to Survivor: Nicaragua.  First thing we're gonna do, a little get-to-know-you.  Your first chance to speak.  I'd like you to share a little information about yourselves.  Name, age, occupation.  If you don't want to share that much, then just tell us whatever you feel comfortable with. (points to Abigail) We'll start here in the front left.
Abigail:  Me?
(Probst nods)
Abigail:  OK.  My name is Abigail Bissell, and I am a student from Redding, Pennsylvania.
Connie:  I'm Connie Schwartzman. I'm 51 and I teach high school English in Sherman Oaks, Missouri.
Sara:  I'm Sara Schmidt, I'm 20 years old, and I'm from Brickline, Missouri.  Oh, and I'm a student.
Michelle:  Hey ya'll, I'm Michelle Dumonte, I'm 23, and I'm an office assistant from Columbia, Missouri. 
Nancy:  I'm Nancy Gingham, a teacher from Clearwater, Missouri.
Cammie:  I'm Cammie Kraut, a student at Sherman Oaks, Missouri.  Heh-heh!
Dana:  Hi!  I'm Dana Sutherland, I'm 20 years old, and I'm a student at Kirksville, Missouri.
Susan:  I'm Susan Sheffield, 21 years old, and a student from Sherman Oaks, Missouri.
Probst:  Let's move over to the guys.  Over here on the front in the black.
Kent:  I'm Kent O'Leary.  I'm 42 years old and I'm a football coach from Sherman Oaks, Missouri.
Guy:  I'm Guy Simmons.  I'm 22 years old, and I'm a Marine from Clearwater, Missouri.  Semper Fi!
Jeff: (raises eyebrows at Guy's outburst)  I'm Jeff Kraut, a salesman from Witchita, Kansas.  I'm 33.
Chris:  Hi, I'm Chris Platte.  I'm 21 years old, and I'm a student from Desloge, Missouri.
Big Scott:  Hey guys, I'm Scott Byron and I'm a student at Springfield, Missouri.
Kirk:  Hello everyone, I'm Kirk Morris, I'm 23 years old, and I'm a New York City Cop.
(At this, several people look confused.  Nancy starts applauding in respect,
and the others reluctantly follow her lead.  Lance just scoffs and shakes his head)
Matt:  Uh, OK...  I'm Matt Heracles from Sherman Oaks, Missouri.  I'm a student and I'm 16.
Lance:  I'm Lance Madden.  I'm 21, and I'm a computer programmer from St. Louis, Missouri. 
Probst:  A'ight.  Well, I think you guys know where this is headed, so if I could get the two oldest survivors to come up here...  (points) That's you Nancy, and you, Connie.  Ladies...
(The two approach Jeff)
Probst:  OK, first order of business, deciding on your tribe's colors.  Now in doing so, you are also deciding your tribe name, and at which beach you will live.  Advantages and disadvantages to each, but you won't know until you get there.  Pink or brown.  Ladies, pick a buff.
Connie:  Ooh, give me the pink one!
Nancy: (smiles) Guess that leaves me with brown.
Probst:  OK.  You've now determined your tribes.
Cammie: (Narrating) I didn't think that Jeff was going to just leave us sitting there divided up as men and women.  But for a second there he made me doubt myself, because it seemed like he was ready to send us off to our beaches.  In my head I was like, "Dude, you forgot something!"
Probst:  Connie, your tribe is called Tolstoy.
Connie: (repeating) Tolstoy.
Probst:  Nancy, your tribe, Hugo.
Nancy:  Gotcha.
Guy: (Narrating) If we were going to be the men against the women, that would be splendid.  A tribe of men would, well, I guess you could say that we'd beat the living s*** out of the women, if you'll pardon my French.
Probst:  You might be assuming that you will be a tribe of men and a tribe of women.  If you're assuming that, you're wrong.  You two are going to act as tribe selecters, so let's get right to it!
(Probst hands a stack of buffs to each of the women)
Nancy: (Narrating) Jeff did a poor job in trying to fool us into thinking we weren't going to select our own tribes.  It was obvious from the whole setup that that was the direction we were moving.  I was just glad that I was the one picking my allies for the first part of the game.
Probst:  All right.  Here's how it's gonna work.  You'll each choose one person at a time.  You will alternate between men and women, and you'll begin by selecting a guy.  Connie, you get to pick first.
(Connie briefly looks over the men.  Her eyes stop on Kent)
Connie:  Ah, get over here, Kent.
(Kent marches over and Connie gives him a hug.
Nancy looks over the men as she tries to make a decision)
Nancy: (points at Jeff) You there.
(Grinning about being the first one picked, Jeff grabs his
bag and shakes Nancy's hand when he reaches her)
Jeff:  I'm Jeff.
Nancy:  Nancy.  Good to have you.
Jeff: (Narrating) Yeah, I was pretty happy that Nancy picked me.  I got picked first off, and I didn't really want to be over there on Connie's team.  She don't look like she's all there.  I did kinda wish that I could be on Kent's team, though.  He's one of the few people out here that I actually know, but I think I can make do.
Connie:  I pick a girl this time, right? (scanning the girls) Oh... Abigail, why don't you come on over here?
(Abigail doesn't look happy.  She reluctantly walks over to Tolstoy)
Probst:  Connie picks Abigail.  Nancy?
Nancy: (smiles and winks) Cammie.
(Cammie smiles and joins Nancy, who she obviously
likes a lot.  Big Scott watches as she walks over)
Big Scott: (Narrating) While I was sittin' there watching Mrs. Schwartzman and Mrs. Gingham pick people, I kinda figured that it would probably be better if I were on Mrs. Gingham's tribe. I know Cammie pretty well, and if I were on the same tribe as Kent, we probably would just butt heads all the time.
Connie:  Let's see. Hmm... Lance.
Nancy:  Scott.
(Both the guys get up and go join their tribes, Big
Scott looking very pleased as he hugs Cammie)
Connie:  There are just so many great people I could pick!  Ohh... I guess I'll go with Susan.
Susan:  H*** yeah!
Probst:  Susan, now a member of Tolstoy. Nancy?
Nancy:  It's Michelle, right?  Come join us.
(Jeff's eyebrows go up as Michelle flounces over and Cammie politely hugs her)
Probst:  Connie, pick a guy.
Chris: (Narrating) I was pretty sure I knew where I wanted to be right off the bat.  When I heard that Kent was a football coach, I knew I'd got along with him just fine.  I love to talk sports with people, just strategies and stuff.  And then Connie picked Susan, and I thought, "Well, I guess I wouldn't mind being on her team, if I have to."
Connie:  You there. (points at Chris, who obligingly sidles over) I'm Connie.
Chris:  Chris.
Probst:  Connie taking the big guy. Nancy?
(Nancy hesitates a moment, looking at Guy, Kirk, and Matt)
Nancy: (points at Kirk) I'll take you there.
Probst:  Kirk, you're Hugo.  Connie, pick your last girl.
Dana: (Narrating) Why am I always the last one picked for things?  At least I wasn't last last.  Mrs. Schwartzman is a good lady and she had some cool people with her.  But I didn't really want to be on her tribe because I knew the people on the other tribe better. (pauses) But either way, I knew I'd be able to make the best of it.
Connie:  How 'bout you, Dana?
(Dana gets up and puts on a big smile as she walks over to join Tolstoy)
Nancy: (smiles at Sara) I suppose it's your turn.  Welcome.
Probst:  OK.  Unfortunately, somebody's gotta be last.  Connie?
Connie:  Oh, I hate to see you two as the last ones.  I think you're both great!  I'll go with Guy, though.
Nancy:  OK, Matt.
Matt: (Narrating) Why was I dead last?  I mean, just because I wasn't picked until the end doesn't mean that I'm not going to pull my weight or something.  It just means that Nancy and Connie decided to pick everyone else first.  But I'm not bitter.  I'll just play nice for the moment, and then when this is over maybe I can infect their kids with typhoid or something.
Probst:  We have our two tribes, Tolstoy and Hugo.
(The tribes celebrate as they exchange pleasantries and are generally excited
about greeting each other.  Lance nods in approval as he looks over his tribe)
Lance: (Narrating) I'm not sure what inspired Mrs. Schwartzman to pick the tribes the way she did, but when I looked around I could tell that we were definitely a more athletic tribe than Hugo, so I was definitely glad to be where I was.  But really, pink buffs? Are they just trying to humiliate us?
(Kirk grins as Sara and Michelle exchange a hug)
Kirk: (Narrating) I can't say I was too upset about the tribe they put me on.  The girls over here ain't too bad, and my fires are all stoked up over the prospect of getting some p***y.  Now I just need to figure out how to get into Michelle's pants. Too bad she's such a b****.
(Kent smiles as he pats Connie on the back)
Kent: (Narrating) It's always good to be drafted in the first round, and since we have Connie on our team, we're bound to have a good encourager.  But I knew just by looking around that it would take some work to get this team whipped into shape, and if we want to get anywhere out here we're only going to reap what we sow.  But I was confident that these kids could really pull together and work hard.
(Probst interrupts the celebration as he addresses the two new tribes)
Probst:  Onboard both boats, identical sets of supplies.  Very, very meager.  Eight small canteens of water, and no food help from us.  You are definitely going to have to work together to build your new world.  It's already getting late.  I suggest you get on your boat and get out to your camps.  Look for your tribe flag and a small fishing canoe.  Get out of here!
(The tribes move to their boats and push off from the shore)

The Tribes: 
. (Tolstoy:  Connie, Abigail, Susan, Dana, Kent, Lance, Chris, Guy)
(Hugo:  Nancy, Cammie, Michelle, Sara, Jeff, Big Scott, Kirk, Matt)

Hugo - Day 1
(The Hugo tribe rows their canoe through the ocean.  Jeff and Big Scott do
the brunt of the work.  Nancy steers, and Matt is just behind Michelle on the right side.
Cammie and Sara row on the left.  Cammie is all smiles, looking excitedly at her new tribe)
Cammie: (Narrating) Whelp, it looks like once again, a Kraut is at the center of this game.  My tribe consists of Mrs. Gingham, (who's one of my all-time favorite teachers) Cousin Jeff and Cousin Sara, and my friends from church, Matt and B.S.  I gotta feel sorry for Michelle and Kirk, 'cause they're really on the outside here.  I don't think either one of them will make the merge, but who knows what kind of twists they're gonna throw at us? (holds up her hands and wiggles her fingers) This game's crazy!
Cammie:  You're doing a pretty good job rowing that boat there, B.S.
Big Scott:  Well, I am a stud.
Cammie:  Yup...  So, Survivor, huh?
(Big Scott sets down his oar and turns around to face Cammie)
Big Scott:  The number one reality show in the country, and they choose me to be the resident hunk.  w00t!  Go Survivor!
(Big Scott holds up his hand for Cammie to slap.  Cammie grins)
Cammie: (fake enthusiasm) Yes.
(Cammie gives Big Scott a half-hearted high five.
Kirk rolls his eyes at Big Scott's playful boasting)
Kirk: (muttering) Big f***in' head fits him well.
(The tribe continues to row slowly.  Matt looks annoyed)
Matt: (Narrating) As soon as I saw Michelle, I could tell she was going to be our "Lauren" character.  And sure enough, right off the bat, she was being a lazy princess.  If she'd had it her way, we'd probably still be out there somewhere rowing.
Matt:  You know Michelle, we might move a little more efficiently if you actually rowed a little bit.
Michelle: (surprised) What?  I am rowing.  What are you talking about?
Matt:  Well, I see you waving your oar every now and then, but it just looks like you're batting at gnats with it.
Michelle:  So I'm a little tired...  We've been doing this for hours, kid.
Matt:  Hmm...  It's funny.  Last I heard, 45 minutes wasn't "hours."
Michelle:  What-ever.
(Jeff turns around and shoots Matt a dirty look.  Matt simply shrugs)

Cammie: (awkwardly) So, Mrs. G...  Good job picking those tribes there.
Nancy: (as she steers) Thank you, Cammie.  I think I've created a fairly balanced team here.  I tried to pick people who knew each other so that we'd have someplace to start. (turning around) Not that those of you we don't know yet won't do great on Hugo.
Matt:  Oh yeah.  Saddling us with the cast witch?  That's gonna work out real well.

(Sara mouths the words "cast witch?")
Sara: (Narrating) I don't really get what Matt's problem is.  He was being so negative on the trip over.  It was like Pat Buchanan yelling at Mexican immigrants for being lazy or something.  Wow.  He could really use an attitude adjustment.  I just hope he doesn't expect me to live up to some impossible standard.
(Cammie stands up a little and looks at the island looming in the distance)
Cammie:  We are almost there, "team!"
Big Scott:  All right!  Go Hugo!
(The tribe continues to row, the shore getting ever closer)

Tolstoy - Day 1
(Tolstoy makes their way through the ocean as they paddle towards their beach)
Abigail: (Narrating) It took a long time for us to find our side of the island.  Or maybe it just seemed long.  I don't think that some of the people on my tribe know what they're doing out here.  Guy was just rowing away like the police were chasing him, but the rest of us got tired fast.
(Guy rows furiously, although the canoe is obviously still over a mile from shore)
Guy: (frantic) We're almost there!
Kent:  Why don't you just slow down a little bit there, sailor?  We'll get there eventually.
Guy: (excitedly) If we all row faster, then we'll get there in a few minutes!
Connie:  Guy, I know you're excited, but I don't think that's very realistic.  We've already been rowing for quite a while, and I personally am getting tired.
Guy:  It's not hard!  Half the reason I came out here was to show everybody how easy this game actually is!
Susan: (annoyed) Guy!  Just slow down, will you?  You're not doing us any good by making one side of the boat go faster than the other.  Jeez.
(Guy scowls at Susan from the middle of the canoe. Susan,
who is up front, rolls her eyes and goes back to rowing)
Guy: (muttering) Yes, mother.

Kent: (Narrating) Well, this sure is an enthusiastic bunch.  Some of 'em were ready and rarin' to go when we got into that canoe.  Simmons in particular just wanted to fly through the water, but not everyone was as pumped up about it as he was.  Once we got some rhythm down, though, I think it really helped bring the team together.

(Kent calls out "stroke" rhythmically, and everyone rows along in unison to
his orders. Guy looks annoyed, and Dana looks very tired, barely holding
up her oar and only able to make a small effort to paddle the canoe) 
(Hugo's canoe eventually makes it to the shore, thanks primarily to the rowing of Jeff and
Big Scott. As they pull into shallow water near the shore, Jeff hops out and starts pushing
the boat forward. The rest of the tribe follows his lead and scrambles out to push the boat.
A big wave comes up behind them unexpectedly and the boat bobs up. Most of the
team members lose their grip and Cammie actually gets knocked over into the water)
Kirk: (shaking the water off) Holy S***!
(The team grabs the boat again and pulls it in properly. Cammie comes
up and blows water out of her nose while the rest of the tribe drags the boat ashore)
Cammie:  Ick!
Kirk:  We pulled the boat up on shore and then everybody started bulls***ting each other about how much they knew.  I find it appropriate that Cammie calls Scott "BS," because I swear, he talks the most but knows the least.
(Jeff, Kirk, Sara and Nancy work to unload the gear from the boat. Big Scott surveys the beach,
with Matt standing next to him. Cammie and Michelle stand by and watch the workers)
Big Scott:  I say that we start with our shelter over there in that little cove.
Matt:  What's a cove?
Big Scott:  That area up there with the trees.
Matt:  Isn't that a grove?
Big Scott:  Hey, do I look like an English major to you?
Matt:  You don't have to be an English major to tell the difference between basic vocabulary words.
Big Scott:  Yeah, I gotchya basic vocabulary right heah, pal.
(Big Scott turns to face the rest of the team, who
seems to have done all the work of unloading the boat)
Big Scott: (To everyone) I think that that place over there would be a good place for our shelter. (he points) It's got lots of big trees with branches we can hang stuff from.
Nancy:  Before we start planning, why don't we take this stuff up the beach to the shade?
Jeff:  Sounds good.
(Jeff and Kirk do most of the work carrying things up the beach.  When they reach the
shade, Cammie and Sara plop down for a meeting, and Michelle joins them)
Cammie: (waving in Sara's face) Hi, Cousin Sara!
Sara: (nods) Hello, Moo.
Michelle:  You two are cousins?
Cammie:  Yup.  Jeff's my cousin, too. (pauses) But not Sara's.
Michelle: (looking at Jeff) Really?
(Kirk leans against the tree and Jeff starts to rummage through
the gear.  Big Scott starts talking, but Jeff pays no attention to him)
Big Scott:  OK, so we probably need shelter first, right?
Nancy:  We'll have to work on shelter soon enough.  Right now, it's not top priority.
Cammie: (calling) Don't we need a lot of water?  We should probably go look for the water.
Nancy:  That's a good idea, but we'll have to have fire to boil the water on.  Let's take things one step at a time.
Big Scott:  OK, we could put the fire over there.  We'll need wood.
Matt:  Oh, really?  I thought maybe we could just burn the sand.
Big Scott: (hitting Matt on the back of the head) Shut up, you dork.
Matt:  Ow!
Nancy:  So our first three priorities are fire, water, and shelter.  Do we need to worry about food yet?
(When Nancy talks, Jeff looks up)
Jeff:  Well, they didn't give us nothin' to eat.
Nancy:  Did we get a field manual?
Jeff:  Yeah, right here.
(Jeff tosses Nancy a small book)
Nancy:  This should have edible plants in it.
Cammie:  So... what do we want to do first?
(People just look around at each other, waiting for someone
to decide. Jeff continues to rummage, and Nancy grins)
Nancy: (Narrating) Our first morning as a tribe was interesting, to say the least.  Here we had all these people with all these divergent ideas, and yet no one wanted to take the leadership position to unify us as a tribe.  In these kind of situations, it's imperative that there be order, so I had no qualms about  taking the bull by the horns and issuing commands to get us on started.
Nancy:  All right.  We've got eight people, so we can afford to divide our labor.  Kirk, Jeff, why don't you get to work on the fire?
(Kirk and Jeff look at each other and nod)
Kirk:  Yes, ma'am!  No problem, ma'am!
Nancy:  And girls, why don't you take our water map and see what you can find?
(Michelle looks at Sara and Cammie)
Michelle:  Ladies?
Sara: (getting up) Let's go, Cam.
(Nancy hands Michelle the map.  She leads Sara and Cammie off down the beach)
Matt: (to Big Scott) Big mistake...
Nancy: (smiling) Come on, you two.  We're on food duty.
(Nancy leads Matt and Big Scott the other way as the camera pans up to the sky) 
(Tolstoy closes in on their beach, where a pink flag is waiting for them. The beach is sandy but lush
with heavy vegetation only a few yards from the shore. Numerous palm trees lie along the treeline)
Dana: (Narrating) The trip to the beach was intense!  I was sooo glad when we finally got to the shore.  It was a lot more work than I thought it would be, and by the time we got there I was tired.  I just wanted to lay down there on the beach, but everyone else was ready to go on, so I just did my best and followed the crowd.
(The canoe pulls up to shore, and the younger members jump out and
pull it up on the beach as Kent and Connie remain in the back. When enough of
the canoe has landed, Kent grabs the water jugs and starts tossing them onto the land)
Guy:  Land ho! AAAAAHHHOOOO!
Chris: (slapping Guy on the back) Good work there, Guy.
Connie:  Great job everybody!  We made it!
(Lance and Dana exchange a hug, and Kent hops out of the boat to give Susan a high ten.
Abigail does not celebrate with the team, but rather surveys the beach with her back to the boat)
Abigail:  So...  Now what do we do?
Lance:  We've gotta find our water hole and get a fire started.
Kent: (reaching back into the boat to unload things) There's a map to the water source in the boat with the rest of this gear.
Dana:  Shouldn't we tie of the boat somewhere so that it doesn't float away?
Lance:  Aw, It's still low tide.  It's not going anywhere yet.  Let's find a place to put all the stuff.
Guy:  I'll start the fire!
(Guy rushes off to the treeline in search of tinder. Abigail
looks at Chris and raises an eyebrow, grinning slightly)
Abigail:  Well, there goes Guy!
(Guy has disappeared into the woods)
Connie: (calling after Guy) We have the flint here, Guy!  Do you know where you're going?  Guy?
Kent:  Let him do his thing.  Let's get this gear moved up the beach to a shady spot.  It's hotter'n the blazes out here.
Connie:  I just hope he doesn't get lost.
(The group takes their equipment, which is sparse, and moves it up the
beach. As they do so, a giant wave rolls in and picks up the canoe, which
hasn't been secured in any way. It starts drifting away from the shore very slowly)
Chris: (looking back) Hey, the canoe!
Kent:  Huh?
Chris:  It's drifting off.
Lance:  Well f*** a duck. (starts running down to the shore) I'll get it!
Susan: (Narrating) Well we got there, and then Guy ran off into the woods for whatever reason, and when we started to get the knives and pots and stuff on shore, the d*** boat started drifting away.  When you're stuck out on an island, that's about the last thing you want to see.  We decided it would be a good a idea to keep an eye on it until we knew what the tide was going to do.
(Kent wades out to help Lance bring the boat back in)
Kent:  I think we ought to tie this up somewhere so that it won't do this again.
Lance:  Good idea.
(Chris, Susan, Connie and Abigail rummage through the equipment while Dana stares
incredulously at Kent and Lance hauling the boat ashore and turning it over a few yards from the water).
Dana: (muttering) Why didn't they just listen to me?

Cammie: (Narrating) So, my first day of Survivor, and I'm already going on a water run.  I can't believe I'm even saying "water run."  It's just so awesome that I'm actually out here doing this!  I'm so excited!  So, I probably got on Sara and Michelle's nerves.  Although, Michelle seems to be pretty easy to annoy, so that's not unusual.
(Sara looks at the water map while Michelle and Cammie follow along. Michelle
is carrying the big water jug, while Cammie jubilantly swings her arms and beams)
Cammie:  So, where are we going, Cousin Sara?
Sara:  Umm... (scrutinizing the map)
Cammie: Can I see the map?
Sara: (defensively) Don't you trust me, Camoo?  I know how to read a map.
Cammie:  Sure, whatever you say, Sara. (looks around for a moment) Maybe I should I climb that hill and try to see where we are.
Sara: (with a dismissive gesture) You go do that, Cammie.
Cammie:  OK.  Back in a minute!
(Cammie takes off running up the hill)
Cammie: (yelling in jubilation) Woo-hoo!  I'm on TV!
Michelle: (calling) Cammie!  Slow down!  It's really hot out here!
(Cammie doesn't hear Michelle as she clambers up the hill)
Michelle:  Cammie!
Sara:  Let her go.  She's having fun.
(Michelle sets down the jug and turns to Sara, a conspiratorial smile on her face)
Sara: (Narrating) I don't know what to think about Michelle.  She seems nice, but as soon as we were alone, all she wanted to do was gossip about everyone else.  Let's just say she had some interesting opinions, and we'll leave it at that.
Michelle:  Can you believe that Nancy woman?  It's like she wants to be in charge of everything!
Sara:  Well, I think she knows what she's doing...  I mean, I don't know much about the whole survival aspect of this game, and-
Michelle: (interrupting) Do you think she actually knows anything?  I bet she just wants to be the leader, so she starts telling everyone what to do.
Sara:  Oh, come on.  She's not that bad.  Someone had to take charge.
Michelle:  Yeah... So, I guess the ladies are gonna be in charge of the water.  We're probably the only ones who can handle it. (laughs derisively) Did you see Scott?  He needs to lose some serious weight.  I bet he won't ever go get water.
Sara:  Well, I think Kirk and Jeff will.  They're both big guys.
Michelle: (disgustedly) Oh, I went to high school with Kirk.  He's a total skank!  Plus, he smokes like a pack a day.  He won't be much help.  But that Jeff... Now he's a stud.
Sara: (smiles slightly) He's kind of cute, I guess.
(At this, Cammie comes running back down the hill)
Sara:  You OK, Cam?
Cammie: (out of breath) Yeah...  but... I didn't see anything that looked like... anything up there.
Michelle:  What?  We're lost?
Cammie: (nods) I think so.
Michelle:  S***!
(Back at camp, Jeff and Kirk work on making fire.  Kirk has collected
an assortment of small dry grasses and short undergrowth, and they have a
couple of pieces of driftwood.  Jeff works with the flint, trying to ignite the grass)
Jeff:  Dangit!  Everything's all wet out here.  We don't got nothing dry?
Kirk:  We're in the f***ing jungle, man.  There ain't much out here that's dry. (leans in) There are a couple of girls on this tribe I'd like to get wet though, if you know what I mean...
(Jeff chuckles and continues working)
Kirk:  H***, I'm gonna sleep between Michelle and Sara tonight, and I'll see just how deeply they sleep, you know?  Like if being touched wakes them up.
Jeff: (laughs) Man!  Are all the cops in New York like you?
Kirk: (confused) Cop? What the f- oh, right.. cop.  I was just lying about that.  I work at the factory.
Jeff:  Is that right? (laughs) That's a good one!
Kirk:  Yeah, I like to lie to people just to see who'll believe it.
Jeff:  Well, you got me.
Jeff: (Narrating) Kirk? (chuckles) He's a real character.  He can get a little dirty sometimes, but he works hard, so I like working with him.  I mean, if he's gonna be lyin' to us, it might hurt our team down the line, but for now, I can't help laughing.  The guy's funnier than H**!
(On the other side of the camp, Nancy, Matt and Big Scott
walk down the beach looking for food along the treeline)
Matt:  So, um, what are we looking for?
Nancy: Keep your eyes peeled for Pokenoboy fruit and Waree Palm plants.  Look for things that resemble little coconuts.
Big Scott:  That shouldn't be hard. I have eyes like a hawk.
Matt:  Maybe a really glaucomic hawk with halitosis.
Big Scott:  I'll take your halitosis and shove it up your...
Nancy: (interrupting) I think those trees over there are what we're looking for.
Big Scott: (looking up at the top of the tree) Do we throw rocks at those or what?
Matt:  We could probably just pick up the ones that are lying on the ground.
Big Scott:  That could work.
Big Scott: (Narrating) I like my tribe.  I didn't know what to expect coming out here, but so far I've been having a lot of fun.  I am worried about how we're going to decide which one of us to vote off, but that's still in the future, I guess.  For now, I'm just trying to have the most fun I can.
(The three collect the nuts lying on the ground.  Matt throws one at Big Scott's
butt when he bends over, which causes Nancy to laugh in spite of herself).

Connie: (Narrating) There's a lot of work involved in getting a camp up and running.  I didn't realize there'd be so much to do out here!  We're just always busy.  When we got here we had to worry about making a fire, finding water, finding some source of food, building a shelter... and on top of all of that we're supposed to be playing a game against each other.  I don't even want to have to think about that part of it yet.  For now I'll just concentrate on the work that needs to be done.
(Kent is apart from the others, looking at a poorly scribbled map to
the water hole. Lance stands next to him, peering at the map as well)
Lance:  Did Probst draw this thing in crayon?  What's that blob there on the right?
Kent:  I think that's supposed to be the compass.  See the "N" on top?
Lance:  Looks to me like a bird taking a crap.
Kent:  Well, I guess we'd better start looking for this water.  We don't need anybody getting dehydrated out here.
(Dana and Connie are digging a small pit and Chris is bringing over
rocks to line it in preparation for building a fire. Kent and Lance approach them).
Connie:  I think this pit's about ready for fire.  Has anyone seen Guy?
Kent:  Simmons isn't back yet?  Where'd he run off to?
(Connie shrugs.  Abigail and Susan return from the woods with
armloads of sticks of various sizes, many of which look very wet)
Susan:  D***, it's hard to find good firewood out here.  Everything's all wet in the jungle.
(She throws down what she's carrying next to the firepit)
Kent:  Lance and I are going to find the water hole.  Who wants to come with us?
Susan:  I'm up for that.
Connie:  Oooh, me too!
Abigail:  Perhaps we should all go.
Kent: (shakes his head) Some people need to stay here and work on that fire so we can boil water later.  Chris, do you think you can handle that?
Chris: (nods) Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem.
Kent:  OK, we'll see you in a while.
Dana:  Are you sure you should go look for the water hole now?  It'll be dark soon, and we don't have any shelter yet.
Lance: Aw, we'll be back in plenty of time.
Kent: (nods) Yeah.  Just get that fire started.  Let's move it!
(Connie, Susan and Lance follow Kent down the beach. Dana
stares after them as Chris goes back to lining the pit with rocks)
Dana:  It's like I'm not even here...
(Abigail starts marching determinedly after the group, making exaggerated arm motions as she goes)
Abigail: (mocking Kent) Just get that fire started there, boy.  Let's move it!
 (Dana laughs.  Abigail stops and starts laughing uproariously at herself)
Chris: (ignoring Abigail) Let's get started on the fire, Dana.  Do you have the flint?
Dana:  I'll get it.
Dana: (Narrating) It's pretty obvious who is trying to take the leadership role over out here.  I wouldn't mind so much, but I don't know that anybody is ever going to listen to me.  I'm glad that Chris is out here with me, though, because he's fun to talk to.  You can tell he cares because he listens really well.  And Abigail's a lot of fun too.
(Abigail sits with her arms hugging her legs in front of her as she watches Chris try to spark
her wet tinder into a flame.  Dana talks to him as he works, in a position to blow on the wood).
Dana:  You're doing a good job.  So... what's your major at school, Chris?
Chris:  Math.  I don't really like it, though.  I mean, I used to love math, but then when I started having to do it for every class, I got reallly sick of it.  Now I hate math.
Dana:  Then why do you still take the classes?
Chris:  I think I wanna be a statistician.  That won't be so bad, once I actually start working, because I won't have to use half the stuff I'm learning now.  My classes are just about proving theorems these days.
Dana: (pauses) I guess you could say math's in my blood.  My mom's a math teacher, and I used to be our "math person" on our campus bowl team.
Chris: (looking up) You did academic bowl?
(Abigail rocks back and forth on her haunches, daydreaming, as Chris and Dana chat)
Abigail: (Narrating) So half the tribe had run off to find the water, and I was there with Chris and Dana working on the fire and talking about math, of all things, when this big thing ran out of the woods screaming.  I thought it was a monster!
(Suddenly, Guy leaps out of the woods and gives a bloodcurdling yell. Abigail leaps up and
screams. Chris just looks up confusedly, while Dana starts up in surprise. Meanwhile, something
small and furry flops to the ground beside Guy, who drops a giant armload of wood he'd been
carrying and grabs his face. The various pieces of wood and dry grass fall to the ground in front
of Chris while Guy starts thrashing around. The creature begins to slowly limp away from Guy)
Guy:  Ahhh!  It bit me! The d*** thing bit me!  Aaaaugh!
Dana: (pointing at the creature) What is that thing?
Guy:  I'll get it!
(Guy grabs a large stick from the pile he just dropped and
chases after the animal. Abigail squints at it and realizes what it is)
Abigail: (shrieks) It's a rat!
(Guy catches up with the animal, which has obviously already been
badly injured, and proceeds to beat it relentlessly with the stick. Abigail continues
screaming while Dana looks horrified and Chris just stands up to get a better view)
Dana:  Guy!  Stop!  I think it's dead!
(Guy checks his frenzied whacking and looks to make sure that the poor battered creature isn't
moving any more. When he looks up at his tribemates, he has a sheepish look on his bloody face)
Abigail: (horrified) Guy!  What were you doing!
Guy:  I was out gathering firewood.  I picked up a stick, and this thing ran out from under a log right next to me, so I hit it with the stick.  I thought it was dead. (wipes blood from his mouth)  I had so much wood and stuff that I didn't have room for it in my hands, and it kept falling off the pile of stuff, so I just stuck it in my mouth to bring back.
Dana:  I guess it wasn't dead, huh?
(At this, Chris starts laughing hysterically, but Abigail is too upset to find it funny)
Abigail:  Well that was stupid!  Your face is all bloody and you frightened me!
Guy:  Hey!  I got firewood and food, didn't I?
Chris: (trying to stop laughing) You think we can eat it?
Dana: (disgusted) I don't think I want to.  Come on, Guy, let's get you cleaned up.
(Dana leads Guy off to find the medical kit, while Abigail fumes.  Chris walks
over and inspects the bloody and tattered carcass of the dead animal and
brings it over by the firepit.  He then takes a look at the kindling Guy brought)
Chris:  Hey, at least this stuff is dry.  Now we can start a fire.
Chris: (Narrating) Guy? That was awesome!  He beat that rat down!  Yeah, it was cool.  We got started on the fire after that, and it was easier since his wood wasn't wet.
(Shot of the rat.  Its leg twitches slightly while Chris works on the fire beside it) 
Hugo - Night 1
(It is sunset at Hugo, and Jeff and Kirk have the fire going at this point.
Nancy, Big Scott, Matt, Jeff and Kirk sit around the campfire)
Nancy: (Narrating) By the time the sun set, the girls were still gone.  We all were getting a little concerned, but I was probably the most worried since I was the one who sent them out into that jungle.
Matt:  When did they leave, anyway?
Nancy:  It's been a good three hours since we landed, I think.
Jeff: (obviously jesting) Shouldn't've given the map to women.
Big Scott:  Yeah, why do women have smaller feet?  So they can stand closer to the stove!
(Kirk and Jeff chuckle while Nancy shakes her head)
Matt:  Hey Scott?  Your joke doesn't even fit Jeff's stereotype.  He meant that women have no sense of direction, but your joke is based on the fact that women should be in the kitchen.
Big Scott:  Would you stop being so smart?  This is a game.
Nancy:  It's a serious game, though. I wonder if those girls got lost?
Kirk: (whispering to Matt) I like to think they're lesbians doing the nasty in the woods.
Matt:  I like to think not.
(Jeff looks up and sees three figures approaching)
Jeff:  OK, here they come...
(Sara and Michelle walk in, looking very irritated.
Cammie drags in behind them, looking slightly sick)
Cammie: (Narrating) I was so excited to be on Survivor, out looking for water, that I didn't do a very good job pacing myself.  All I did was run ahead once, but in this heat, it was enough to make me sick.  I know that I was a real burden on Sara and Michelle all afternoon.  It's not easy to find water when you're dragging a sick Cammie around.
Nancy:  Cammie!  Are you all right?
Cammie: (pained) I'm just a little woozy...
Michelle:  I told her to pace herself, but she had to run ahead.
Jeff:  You better drink somethin', Cammie.
(Michelle and Sara look down)
Jeff:  C'mon!  Tell me you found water...
Sara: (Narrating) Well, there's supposed to be this big rock somewhere on that path, and we were supposed to take a left at the rock.  But we never found the rock.  We went way down the path in the woods until we thought we'd gotten lost, and then we came back, and then we went in even farther, and we came back again, and we never saw any big rock.
Sara: (exasperated) We couldn't find it.
Matt:  You probably just didn't go in far enough.
Sara: (huffy) Well, you can go tomorrow.
Matt:  I will. (turning to Michelle) Guess you can't read a map either, huh?
Michelle: (caught off guard) What?
Matt:  You can't row a boat, you can't read a map, and yet you still think you're better than all of us.  Geez.
Michelle: (incredulous) Whatever, kid.
Nancy:  Look, Cammie needs some water.  Now, we still have some in our canteens, don't we?
Jeff:  I doubt we got much.  It got hot today.
Nancy:  We'll have to make due with what we have.  Thanks for trying, girls.  We'll just have to do it tomorrow.
Michelle: (Narrating) I felt like an idiot coming back into camp with no water.  The other people did fine.  We had a fire, we had food, but we had no water.  This just sucks.  How far into the woods can the stupid water hole be? D*** rock. And to make things worse, Nancy gave all the water we did have to that little b**** Cammie.  How stupid can one girl be?  Geez!  It's not hard to not get sick.
Jeff: (Narrating) We shoulda sent a man with the women to get water.  I bet they just didn't go into the woods far enough to see the rock they were looking for.  They wasted three hours wandering around in the woods.  It wouldn't be that big a deal, but people are gettin' dehydrated out here.  We all shoulda had twice the water we got today, and we won't have any when we wake up tomorrow. There's some stuff in these coconut things, though, so at least we've had something.
(Hugo eventually settles down to sleep, the girls on one side of the fire and the boys
on the other.  Kirk tells a story in a low tone to the boys so that the girls can't hear it)
Kirk:  ...and so there she is, lying completely naked in her front yard on a towel.  I'm like, ten years old at the time.  And she sees me and I think for sure that she's gonna yell at me for staring at her naked, but she just picks up the sunscreen and hands it to me and says, "Rub me down, will you?"
Big Scott: (Narrating) Last night we were trying to go to sleep, and Kirk just launches into this gross story about when he was a little kid.  I think that guy is obsessed with sex or something.  It's all I ever hear him talk about, unless there are women around.  When the girls are there, he's really polite, but once they're gone he gets all weird.  It's very annoying.
(Kirk continues his story)
Kirk:  And so I'm holding them in my f***ng hands!  Ten years old!  No lie.
(Matt and Big Scott are obviously annoyed.  Jeff
just smiles and takes it in. Pan up to the stars)

Tolstoy - Night 1
(It is night, and the water-bearers have returned, so all the tribe is gathered around the now-roaring
campfire. The rat is spitted and dangling over the fire from a stick planted in the ground nearby)
Connie: (Narrating) I guess the kids had some excitement while we were out getting water.  I'm just glad that we got a fire built so quickly.  Everything in this camp just seems to be just falling together. Thank God we've got so many good kids out here with us.  Guy did a good job of getting firewood, I guess.  I'm not sure I want to eat his rat, though.
Abigail:  So then Guy just flies out of the woods screaming at us.  I jumped out of the way because I thought he was a tiger or something!
Lance:  There aren't any tigers in Nicaragua, genius.
Abigail: (ignoring Lance) So then I see that it's Guy, but this... thing drops out of his mouth and starts running around on the ground.  I thought it was going to jump on me!
(Chris sighs and Lance rolls his eyes at this)
Abigail:  So then Guy grabbed a stick and started beating the rat with it!  And the whole time, Chris just stood there.
Chris:  Me?  What'd you expect me to do?
Abigail:  I don't know.  You're a boy - you're supposed to do something.
Chris:  What could I do?  Guy's just the man.  I can't beat rodents nearly as well as he can.
Connie:  So how's the face now, Guy?
(Guy's has so many bandages around his mouth that
he can barely talk.  He mutters something unintelligible)
Dana:  He's OK now.  I got him all bandaged up.
Susan:  You wasted half the d*** bandages on him.
Kent: (smiling) Looks like a mummy.
Susan:  He looks like something undead.
(Guy gets up, rips the bloody bandages off his face, and throws them to the ground in a rage)
Guy: (enraged) Fine Susan!  Just keep making fun of me!  You just... Arrgh!
(Guy storms off into the dark)
Susan:  Guy!  Where the H*** are you going?
(Guy doesn't respond, but keeps going towards the woods)
Kent: (chuckles) Guess he doesn't want to eat the rat.
Dana: (reluctantly) I'll go make sure he's OK.
(Dana gets up and runs after Guy.  No one seems to care that either is gone)
Susan:  Gawd, he's such a freak.  What's his problem tonight?
Lance:  That's Guy for ya...
. .
Kent:  Should we eat his rat without him?
Connie: I'm not that hungry yet.
Abigail: Eww..  Me niether.
Lance: (laughs) Guess that's more rat for us, eh Susie?
Susan: (annoyed) Yeah, whatever, Lance.
(Susan gets up and pulls the rat off the stick.  She places it in a pan and starts carving it up)
Lance: (Narrating) Eating rat's not a big deal.  Even if Guy is crazy, I'm glad he got the thing. And if he got one, that means he can get another one.  Maybe we'll just have to keep him around for a little while so that we can eat more.  If Abigail and Mrs. Schwartzman don't want to eat it, that's their loss. In a few days when the lack of protein really kicks in, they'll be begging for a share of rat.  I just wish I'd been the one who'd caught it.
(The team finishes up their portions of rat, and Dana returns to camp, with Guy
eventually following. Guy sits down to eat without a word, and Dana looks worried)
Abigail:  So how are we supposed to sleep out here?
Kent:  We'll just camp out under the stars around the fire.  It can't get too cold tonight.
(With that, Kent grabs his bag and plops it down on the ground near the fire, then
lays down with his head on his bag. The others begin to do the same.  Susan puts
her bag down, and Lance sets his right next to hers, then he walks over to where his
other stuff is lying to put on more clothes. Susan glances at his bag and picks hers up)
Susan: (muttering) I don't think so.
(Susan moves her bag to the other side of the fire next to Connie)
Connie:  Good night, Susie.
Susan:  G'night, Mrs. Schwartzman.
(Pan up to the night sky, with a shot of stars rushing by)

Hugo - Day 2
(It is the wee hours of the morning.  Cammie suddenly gets up and
rushes over to the bushes.  She can be heard retching all down the beach)
Cammie: (Narrating) The first day was way harder on me than I thought.  I just ran up one stinkin' hill, but I paid for it all night.  And to make things worse, I hadn't had anything to eat, so it was all dry heaves.  It was probably the worst night of my life.
(Cammie returns to her place by the fire. Nancy has awakened to the sound of her vomiting)
Nancy:  You're not all right, are you?
Cammie: (quavering) I'll be OK.
Nancy:  Cammie, it's OK to admit you're sick.
Cammie:  OK.  I'm sick.
Nancy:  Here, lie down.  Your mother would never forgive me if I didn't look out for you.
(Nancy leaves and returns with a coconut)
Nancy: (Narrating) I think Cammie had a pretty bad night.  We all needed more water yesterday, but she got dehydrated worse than the rest of us.  I think she went off into the woods a few times last night, and I could hear her retching out there.  It sounded terrible.
(It is sunrise.  Jeff is up, gathering the water containers and looking for the
map. He finds what he's looking for and goes over to kick Matt in the side)
Matt:  Wha-...  Where am-.. oh.
Jeff:  You comin' to get water, or what, slick?
Matt:  Oh, yeah, give me a minute.
(Jeff walks by the girls and notices Cammie lying in the
fetal position on the ground. She's clutching her stomach)
Jeff:  Hey Cammie?  You OK?
Camie:  My head hurts, my stomach hurts...  I need some water.  I was having dry heaves about an hour ago.
Jeff:  Well, me and Matt are gonna go get some water now.  We should be back pretty quick.
(Sara wakes up at the voices and sees Jeff with the jug in his hand)
Sara:  Oh, you're not going without me!  I'm going to find that stupid rock this time!
Jeff:  Fine.  Hurry up, then.
(In the early morning light, Jeff, Sara and Matt head off down the beach and
quickly find the same place where Sara and Michelle had entered the day before)
Jeff:  Is this the place where you went yesterday?
Sara:  Yeah, we went down there probably three quarters of a mile.
Jeff:  I don't think this is the right spot.  We're supposed to go around a bend in the shoreline before we reach the trail.
Sara:  Really?
Jeff:  Yup.  Let's try up further.
(The trio moves on up the beach and finds another path freshly cut in the woods)
Matt:  Hey, that looks about right.
Jeff:  Let's try it.
Sara:  Oh brother.  We went down the wrong path.
(They follow the path about thirty yards and come to a big rock)
Jeff:  Here's your rock.
Matt:  Brilliant, Holmes!
(They quickly come upon the water hole, which is covered by a wooden manhole
but is plainly visible. Without a word to Sara, Jeff opens it and begins filling the jugs)
Sara:  (Narrating)  OK, when Jeff found the water that easily, I just felt like a complete idiot.  I mean, I'm not dumb.  I know how to read a map!  Everything just looks the same out here.  And why would somebody cut a path in the woods before the one we were supposed to follow?  I think they were just trying to throw us off.
(Jeff leads Sara and Matt back to camp with the water.  Everyone
else is up, but Cammie is still lying by the fire looking pretty bad)
Nancy:  Oh good, you're back.  We were about to go look for food and check the mail.  Cammie really needs some hydration.  Here, let me get that water boiling.
Jeff:  I'll do it.  Why don't you go find some more of those coconuts?
Nancy:  Fine.  Anybody want to come with me?
Sara:  I will.
(Nancy and Sara head down the beach looking for coconuts, and Matt falls back into bed next
to Big Scott. While Jeff goes about the work of preparing the water, Cammie feels the need
to vomit again and scurries over to the treeline. She drops to her knees behind a bush
and starts retching. As soon as she starts, she notes a pair of feet jump away from her)
Kirk: Hey, watch it!
(Finished retching, Cammie looks up to see Kirk glaring down at her)
Cammie: Sorry, I didn’t realize you were here.
(Cammie stands up and notices Kirk’s eyes wandering to the beach. She follows them and sees
Michelle bathing herself in the ocean, completely oblivious to the presence of Kirk or Cammie)
Cammie:  Ew!  What are you doing, Dude?
Kirk:  Hey.  As long as she's offering a free show, I might as well enjoy it.
Cammie:  Dude!
Kirk: Aw come on.  I know you Krauts.  Deep down, you're just as twisted as I am.  You're telling me that if that was Jeff down there, you wouldn't be doing the same thing?
Cammie:  Dude, that's my cousin!
Kirk:  Whatever.  You know what I mean.
(Cammie, speechless in her incredulity, just turns around
and hobbles back to camp, clutching her stomach)

(It is morning at Tolstoy, and the team is working on the shelter. They have started constructing
it well up the beach, near the fire pit. Two trees that are close together serve as the main supports,
and there are three poles sticking up vertically from the ground between them that will apparently
function to hold up cross beams for a roof. The men work on cutting the branches with the hatchet
and machete as the women weave together a kind of rope from vines.)
Guy: (Narrating) I didn't sleep very well last night.  I'm used to being out in the cold and sleeping on the ground and all, you know. But this tribe man, it just sucks, you know?  People like Susan.  They just, I can't stand them, you know?  They're just intolerant people who are afraid to look beneath the surface a little bit, you know?  I'm just glad I've got Coach O out here with me.  He's a good guy.
(Guy, Chris, and Kent work on chopping branches to the proper length
as they work on the shelter. Guy hands one to Chris, who holds it up next to
one that's already stuck in the ground. It's too short and the end is splintered)
Chris:  Hey Guy, when you cut these, try not to get the edges all torn up.  We can't use this one because nothing will stay on top of it now.
Guy:  Sorry 'bout that, man.  It's just hard to do with this machete.
Kent:  Try slowing down and making more even strokes with it. You're going a little too fast between your chops.  Just be slow and deliberate about it. It's all about the fundamentals, Simmons.
Guy:  Yessir, I'll try that.
Chris:  So Kent, how'd your football team do this year?
Kent:  We had a 3 -7 season.  It's... been a growing year for us.
Chris:  Yeah, excuses, excuses...
Guy: (jumping in) We did better when I played, right coach?
(Kent chuckles and shakes his head)

Chris:  You played for Kent?
Kent:  Simmons here was my noseguard back in my first year coaching.
Chris:  Yeah?
Guy:  Well, I never played varsity.  I mostly just played because I realized the year before that I could wrestle a 700-pound steer to the ground, so I thought I'd be good at it.  And I liked the cheerleaders, too.
Chris:  Is that so?

(Kent just smiles at this)
Guy:  Yeah, there was this one girl named Katey Rodriguez...  She was hot!  You like Latinas, Chris?
Chris:  Not especially.
Guy:  What? They're like the most beautiful girls in the world, man!
Chris: (Narrating) I don't know what to think about some of these guys.  Kent's really cool and I like to work with him and talk sports.  Guy is not a bad person, but he's just not very bright.  I don't feel very comfortable around him, because you can never be sure what he's going to do.  There's always this air of tension when he's around, like he might snap at you.  But you know, I think I like him better than Lance.  At least Guy isn't cocky like Lance is.  Cocky people just grate on me.
(Lance walks over into the conversation with an armload of stout sticks of various lengths)
Lance:  It's hard to get any of the long ones without the hatchet.  These other ones are all pretty short.
Kent:  Simmons, you wanna take the hatchet and go find some long branches for us?
Guy:  Yes sir!
(Guy grabs the hatchet from Kent's proffered hand and dashes off into the woods)
Chris:  He gets pretty excited about stuff, doesn't he?
Kent:  Simmons is quite a character.
Lance: (scoffs) That's an understatement.  The guy's a serious moron.  F***ing psycho never shuts up.  We've only been out for a day and he already annoys the h*** out of me.  What was up with his little pouty fit last night? If he pulls anymore s*** like that, it won't matter how much food he brings home, he'll be out of here.
Chris:  Don't you think it might be a little early to make that kind of decision?
(Lance looks at Kent, who gives no indication of disagreement with Lance)
Lance:  We'll just see, I guess.
(The men continue their work.  Elsewhere, Connie and Susan
weave vines as Abigail and Dana gather more of them)
Susan: (Narrating) I've had an up and down relationship with Mrs. Schwartzman in the past.  She was one of my cheerleading coaches, but she never knew what the H*** she was doing.  She was just always like, "Be more enthusastic!  Put more ooomph into it!"  But now that we're out here working together, she's not as bad as she used to be.  I guess I kind of enjoy her company.
Susan:  As soon as I finish up my Bachelor's, I want to get into a nurse practitioner program.  Right now i'm just waiting to get accepted.
Connie:  Do you know how to be a nurse, then?
Susan:  Not yet.  I mean, I've had some of the basic training.  I can take blood pressure and administer shots and put in IVs and stuff, but I don't have much experience with that yet.  Hopefully I'll be able to get a job at a hospital and do part-time work while I'm working on my Master's.
Connie:  Well, I'm glad to hear that you'll be doing what you want to do.  You've grown up a lot since high school, Susie.
(Abigail walks up and deposits another armload of vines on the pile)
Susan:  Hey Abigail, what are you gonna do when you get out of college?
Abigail:  Oh, I'm not sure yet.  I still have a couple of years to make up my mind.
Susan:  See, now I couldn't do that. I have to have an idea of where I'm going and what I'm going to do.  I guess I'm just the kind of person who has to have a plan.
Abigail:  Well, not me, I guess!
Abigail: (Narrating) It's difficult for me to think about the game that we're playing out here, because I know that to win I need to find some allies, but I can't figure out who would be good to work with.  I already know that most of these people aren't very much like me, and it's hard to have to spend so much time with them.  I guess I'll just have to figure it out as I go.
(Shot of a sloth in a tree waving off a swarm of flies)

(It is late morning.  Big Scott lays by the fire.  Matt walks up to him and toes him in the belly)
Matt:  I want to go check for bad poetry.  You wanna come, big guy?
Big Scott: (hardly awake) Um, OK.
(Matt and Big Scott go for tree mail)
Matt:  Let's see what they came up with. (Reading)
You've made it this far
So you're doing well,
But just what you're made of
This challenge will tell.
The climber, the digger,
the puzzle, the gun;
If you mess this up
you're gonna lose one.
So, immunity then.
Big Scott:  Man, it's too early for this kind of stuff!  Why can't they have the decency to do challenges after lunch?

Immunity Challenge:  Wield your Widowmaker 
(Shots of two oxcarts on a rocky stretch of beach.  Atop each of them is a stack of boxes
labled "Municiones" in black stenciled lettering.  There are poles protruding perpedicularly from
the sides of the carts.  Jeff stands at a line in front of the two carts as the survivors approach him)
Probst:  All right guys, welcome to your first challenge.  This is for immunity.  To succeed on Survivor, it requires the mental ability to think through and solve problems.  It also requires the physical ability to execute those tasks while dealing with the unexpected.  First challenge, the same way.  It will require brawn at times, but it will also require brains.
It's a race across the uneven terrain of this coast, that begins like this: each team will have one of these traditional Nicaraguan oxcarts, loaded with Sandinistan ammunition boxes.  The boxes are empty, but the carts are still very heavy.  Each weighs over 800 pounds.  As long as the cart is moving, every member of your tribe must be touching it.  You will push the carts, make your way to a station, where you'll find a platform.  Choose two members from your tribe to assemble a ten-foot ladder and scale the platform.  At the top you will find a shovel.  Retrieve it,  throw it on your cart, and move to the next station, which is simple.  A different tribe member will use the shovel to dig down two feet through the loose sand and bring up a gunbox.  The box is under the flag marking the spot.  Grab the box, and get it on your cart.  The last station is an eight-piece numbers puzzle.  You'll choose one more tribe member to maneuver the pieces around until they are in sequential order, one to eight.  When the final number is correctly in place, pull out the number eight and take the key that is in the box.  The key will open the gunbox, which contains an AK-47, the weapon of choice for Sandinistan rebels.  It also contains a clip of blank bullets.
First tribe to cross the finish line and fire off the entire clip of blanks wins immunity.  You must fire all 30 bullets to win.  And I gotta show you this immunity idol.
(Probst pulls the idol out of the box.  It is shaped like Brian Heidik wearing a very
skimpy and tight pair of swimming trunks, with his hands on his hips and his pelvis protruding)
Lance:  I think I recognize that guy...
Susan:  Good Lord, is that the porn star?
Probst:  We made this in honor of the winner of Survivor: Thailand.
Lance:  Oh, uh, yeah, that's where I know him from (looks around guiltily).
Probst:  You have immunity, guarantees you three more days on the island.  Losers, tribal council tonight, where somebody will be the first person voted out.  Let's take our positions and start.  Here we go guys, Immunity at stake.  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(The two teams start racing along the uneven ground of the beach
toward the first station. As they move, Tolstoy pulls ahead as Cammie struggles
to hang onto the back of the cart. She falters and lets go for  a moment, falling behind).
Probst:  Hugo! All your members must be touching the cart as it moves!
Jeff:  Crap! Come on, Cammie!
(Jeff lets go as the cart stops rolling, grabs Cammie, and propels her back to the cart.
He then moves around behind Cammie and actually pushes her in front of himself as well as
doing some heavy work on pushing the cart itself. Tolstoy is the first to arrive at the first station)
Lance:  Susan, let's get it!
(Lance and Susan lay one of the side pieces flat on the ground and begin to
grab the sticks that serve as the steps for the ladder, jamming them quickly into the
holes on the side. As they are picking up the other side, Hugo arrives at the station)
Matt:  I'm on it!
Big Scott:  So am I!
(Big Scott starts trying to jam pegs into the holes, but Matt, surprisingly,
does it more quickly with expert motions. However, by this time Lance and
Susan have put their ladder together and Susan scales the ladder, grabs the shovel
and throws it down to Lance. He heaves it onto the cart as Susan jumps down  They grab the cart
and Tolstoy starts moving off together as Matt and Big Scott put the finishing touches on their ladder)
Big Scott:  You better get up there in a hurry.
Matt:  Don't worry, Scott.
(Big Scott holds the ladder as Matt clambers up and grabs the shovel, then tosses it into
the waiting hands of Kirk, who throws it into the cart as Matt gingerly climbs down
the tall ladder. By the time he reaches the cart, Tolstoy is nearly at the second station)
Susan:  Who's gonna dig?
Kent: (grabbing the shovel) I've got it.
(Kent efficiently moves the loose sand away from beneath the pink Tolstoy flag. The Hugo cart nears the second station. Cammie seems to have regained some composure from the initial shock of physical activity. She helps propel the cart into the station, and Jeff dashes to the brown flag with the shovel).
Cammie:  Go Jeff Kraut! (in a voice that seems as questioning as it does encouraging) You can do it!
(Jeff flings huge shovel loads of sand away from the flag. Kent, however, has
already reached the gunbox and has discarded the shovel, clawing at the edges
of the box to clear away the sand. Within moments he has it clear and pulls up the
heavy box. He lugs it to the cart and deposits it on top, and Tolstoy moves off again.)
Connie:  That a'way, Kent! Let's go, Tolstoy!
Kent:  Let's move this heifer!
(As Tolstoy pulls away, Jeff discards the shovel and desperately paws the sand off the box. It is
not completely cleared, but he yanks on it with tremendous effort anyway and the box comes up
quickly, sending sand flying in every direction as he does so. He then races with the awkward box
and roughly hoists it onto the cart, taking a position at the back to continue the work of pushing)
Nancy: (straining against the cart) We can still catch up! 
(As Jeff is beginning to tire, Hugo now moves the cart more slowly, giving Tolstoy more of an edge
on the long trek to the final station. Tolstoy arrives and Abigail takes off toward the numbers puzzle)
Connie:  You can do it, Abby!
Abigail: (muttering) I wish she wouldn't call me that.
(Abigail works furiously at moving the boxes around, and she quickly gets one
through three in place. However, she has a lot of trouble with four through eight.
Hugo, in the meantime, has finally crossed the beach to the final station)
Nancy: (as the cart is pulling in) Cammie, you up to this?
Cammie:  Yes.
(Sweating profusely, Cammie breathlessly takes her place next to Abigail.  However, Cammie knows
exactly what she is doing and she works her way through the numbers with little effort.  Abigail watches
frustratedly as Cammie puts the final numbers into place and pulls the eighth box out through the hole
in the side of the puzzle.  She pulls out the key and moves as quickly as she can back to the cart with it.)
Cammie: (handing the key to Sara) Here it is.
(Having seen Cammie's method of moving the numbers, Abigail finally gets it down as well.
Moving with little precision, she yanks the drawer out and the key flies several feet away)
Abigail:  Whoops!
Lance:  Come on, d*** it!  Move!
(Abigail flounces over to the key and brings it to the cart. She takes hold and Tolstoy begins racing
down the long stretch of beach to the finish line. Meanwhile, the exertion of the final station has
finally proven to be too much for Cammie. She collapses in exhaustion as Hugo nears the finish)
Cammie: (nearly fainting) Uhhh....
Jeff:  Goshdangit!
(As Jeff and Big Scott rush back to help Cammie, Tolstoy catches Hugo and passes them. Big Scott
and Jeff pick up Cammie and lay her on the cart near the back side. The delay has been too much,
however, and Tolstoy crosses the finish line. Lance takes the key from Abigail and unlocks the case,
and Susan quickly snatches up the AK-47 and tries to fire it into the air. The trigger doesn't move for her)
Susan:  D***! It doesn't work!
Kent:  Flip off the safety!
(Susan does so as Hugo's cart finally nears the finish line. When they are about to
cross, they are suddenly surprised by the sound of automatic gunfire. Susan
laughs like a demented child as she fires the banana clip into the sky.  Jeff moves
to open the box, but Susan has finished her last round before he even gets it open)
Susan:  That was cool.
Probst:  Show me the empty clip guys.
(Susan yanks it out and hands it to Probst, who inspects it)
Probst:  Got it!  Tolstoy wins immunity!
(Jeff slams the box shut in frustration after he hears Probst's verdict. Tolstoy celebrates.
Susan jumps into Kent's arms, who holds her up as she waves the gun wildly over her head)
Probst:  Nice finish, guys.  Tolstoy, nice comeback from behind.  Going back to camp with immunity.  Hugo, nice effort.  I know it's hard to see a tribe member go down.  Unfortunately, tribal council tonight, somebody will be the first person voted out.
(Hugo walks away dejectedly, with Jeff and Big Scott helping to support
Cammie, who has regained some strength and seems to be walking okay.
Chris claps for her as she walks away, and the rest of Tolstoy joins in.)      
(Back at camp, Jeff angrily chops wood with the machete. He
doesn't look up from his work as he addresses the camera)
Jeff: (Narrating) I'm just not very happy about that last challenge.  We could have won it, man, but Cammie was still sick.  She done as good as she could, but I think the physical part was too much for her.  The thing is, if Sara coulda read that map yesterday, Cammie woulda never got sick.  She'da had plenty of water and there wouldn't be a problem.  But now we're stuck with votin' somebody off. (chuckles) At least we got plenty of options.
(Pan over to a grove on the other side of camp, where Nancy
is talking to Cammie, Matt, and Big Scott under the trees)
Nancy:  All right.  We're now faced with the question of what to do tonight.  It's time to start thinking about what we need to do for the good of the tribe.
Matt: (smirking) I think that's pretty obvious.  We get rid of Michelle.
Cammie:  Nyeh... I don't think she's the person we need to focus on right now.
Big Scott:  Who do you think it should be, Cammie?
Cammie:  I don't think that Kirk fits in very well here.  Yesterday I caught him, um, staring at Michelle - I think he's kind of a sicko.
Matt:  That's funny, I didn't know you could look at Michelle and not turn to stone.
Nancy:  Would it be best for us to vote him out tonight?
Cammie:  I don't like having him around.  I think we'll regret it if we keep him here.
Nancy:  Opinions, guys?
Matt:  Michelle, obviously.
Big Scott: (holding up his hands) Well, just let me know what you guys want to do.  I'm up for whatever.
(Big Scott gets up and walks away from the group)
Big Scott: (Narrating) I'm seeing leadership in this tribe starting to come down to me and Nancy, and at some point we're going to disagree on what needs to be done around here.  Like right now, I don't know if I want to vote against Kirk.  He's a strong guy and Cammie's been sick.  But as long as Nancy's callin' the shots, her little monkeys are going to do what she says.  That needs to change at some point, and tonight might be the perfect time to do it.
(He approaches the fire, where Michelle is whining to Sara
as Kirk looks on. He sits down across from them)
Michelle: (to Sara) Nancy's just got this major power trip going on right now!  It's like she thinks this is her island and we're all just here to serve her!  She's a b****!
Kirk: (staring at Michelle's chest) I think you ladies have definitely got a good point there.
Sara: (shakes her head) I don't think it'd be smart to get rid of her.  She's a hard worker, she did fine in the challenge, and she does know what she's doing.
Big Scott:  Hey, I've got an idea.
(Big Scott goes over to squat before Kirk and Michelle. Sara gets up to walk away from the group)
Sara: (Narrating) I do not want to be a part of their little gossip circle.  It just gets tiresome to listen to them complain about the other people here.  I'm going to vote for the person I think is the least helpful to the tribe, and that's it.
(Sara walks into the forest to be by herself as Big Scott begins to talk.
 The day grows later, and Cammie watches the sun dip below the horizon)
Cammie: (Narrating) This vote tonight's a mystery.  It's looking like Kirk, but Nancy's probably going to be a target too.  Plus, there's the fact that I was really stinkin' sick during that challenge.  And Sara messed up with the water thing.  Too many targets, too many targets...
(The team packs up their bags and heads to Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 1

(Hugo enters the Tribal Council area.  Thatched huts of material similar to those constructed
by the survivors surround the fire.  Jeff is standing at his spot on one side of the fire, and the
survivors immediately walk to the other side where some stumps are waiting for them)
Probst:  As you walk in, grab a torch.  Approach the flame, everybody dip your torches, get some fire.  We do this because fire represents your life in this game.  As long as you have fire, you're in the game.  When your fire's gone, so are you.  Put your torches back in the slots, take a seat.  Well, I'm sorry to say, welcome to your first Tribal Council.  At Tribal Council it's very simple.  You are held accountable for your actions on the island. Sometimes those actions will help you, sometimes those actions will hurt you.
Before we get to the vote, let's talk about the challenge.  Great effort, you guys could have won it, you were in the lead for a long time. Cammie, what happened?
Cammie:  I just got sick. It's hot out here, and I guess I overexerted myself and got dehydrated or something when we didn't get water yesterday.  I think I'll be OK now.  I didn't realize dehydration was so terrible.  I was all weak and I couldn't keep up with the cart.
Probst:  So Jeff, do you feel that Cammie is responsible for your tribe being here today?
Jeff:  Mmm... Not really.  We can't blame our loss on one person.  We lost as a team.  It sure would've helped if we'd had water yesterday, though.
Probst:  So why didn't you get any water?  Sara, you wanna fill me in?
Sara:  It was my fault.  When we went to look for the water hole, I led us down the wrong path.  Usually when I get lost, I just call it an adventure and laugh about it.  But out here, it's different because I have a team counting on me to help out.
Probst:  Do you feel, Matt, that you are a team, and that you can count on each other?
Matt:  I think everybody is trying to make everyone else think that we're a team, but we're still just a group of individuals who can't trust each other yet.  You never know who's gonna turn out to be something other than what they pretend to be.
(Matt pretends to cough and says the word "Michelle" loudly.  Michelle looks shocked)
Probst:  Nancy, Matt mentions trust.  How big a part does trust play in the vote tonight?
Nancy:  I think that people will vote against those they perceive to be untrustworthy.  At this stage in the game, it's hard to tell who you can trust because some of us are just getting to know each other.  There's a lot of guesswork involved.
Probst:  Someone always has the unfortunate distinction of being the first person voted out.  Now we're going to find out which one of you gets that honor.  Michelle, you're up first.
 (Michelle goes up to vote.  She writes her vote and stuffs it into the canister.
Sara's up next.   She casts a vote for Matt)
Sara:  I don't get the negativity.  I think we could do without the snide remarks.
(Big Scott's up next.  He frowns, writes down a name, and puts it away.  Matt follows him up.
Without a moment's hesitation, he scribbles the name Michelle)
Matt:  I can see through your little act.  You're going down, and you're not going to fool anybody.  It stops here.
(Matt slams his vote into the canister and goes to sit down.  Kirk is up next, followed by
Nancy.  We don't see their votes.  Cammie walks up to the booth and writes her vote for Kirk)
Cammie:  I just don't feel comfortable with him around.  He can't be trusted.  Um, sorry.
(Cammie hesistates, then puts her vote into the canister and returns.
Finally, Jeff goes up to vote.  He writes a vote for Cammie)
Jeff:  This should be for Sara.  She's the one who screwed up.  But I gotta do what I can to keep us strong.  Sorry, Cammie.
(Jeff puts his vote in and rejoins the group)
Probst:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Probst leaves and comes back with the canister)
Probst:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final, the person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  Follow that path, there's a nice confessional where you can speak your peace.  I'll read the votes. First vote:

That's one each for Cammie, Michelle, Matt, Kirk, and Nancy. .
Sara: (astonished) Everyone got burnt!

Kirk: (quietly) F*** me...
Cammie: (wincing) Ooh!
Probst:  That's two votes Kirk, two votes Cammie.  The first person voted off Survivor: Nicaragua:.

(Cammie and Kirk look at each other)
. .
Cammie:  Stink!
Probst:  Cammie, I need you to bring me your torch.
(Sara looks saddened.  Big Scott doesn't look at Cammie.  Cammie
brings Probst her torch. Matt shoots a dirty look at Michelle)
Probst:  Cammie, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go.
Cammie:  Whelp, see you guys later! 
(Cammie walks out)
Probst:  Well, looking at the way this vote went down, with five of you receiving votes, it's obvious that there's no unity in this tribe.  I suggest you head back to camp and try to do some bonding.  Good night.
(The Survivors exit)  
Cammie's Final Words:  Stink!  They were going for me!  I'm not even sure who the three were who voted for me.  Man, and I was going to be really good at this game, too.  Well, at least they didn't vote me off because they didn't like me.  I just wish I hadn't gotten sick.  I'm fine now, of course, but no one paid any attention to that. Huh.  The only thing I did wrong was get sick.  Sara messed up, and she didn't even get any votes!  So it goes.  At least I got to play.  Um, I guess I'm done now.  Bye. 
Voting Record:
Big Scott:  Cammie
Cammie:  Kirk
Jeff:  Cammie
Kirk:  Cammie
Michelle:  Nancy
Matt:  Michelle
Nancy:  Kirk
Sara:  Matt    
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