Episode 2 – Arms Race    
Probst: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
The new Survivors arrived in sunny Nicaragua, and right off the bat, there were difficult decisions to be made.  Nancy and Connie were asked to select their own tribes, and the resulting teams were anything but serene.  On Tolstoy, Guy's intensity was a source of annoyance for almost everyone, while Dana became frustrated when she was ignored.  On Hugo, rivalries were quick to form and tensions were quick to mount as many became disgruntled at Nancy's declaration of leadership.  As the first day came to a close, Guy came through with food and fire for Tolstoy, but Sara failed to find water for Hugo, which was bad news for a dehydrated Cammie.  As the second day progressed, Cammie's illness only grew, which manifested itself in her poor performance at the first immunity challenge.  As Tribal Council loomed for Hugo, Big Scott pondered taking out Nancy before she had a chance to gain control of the tribe.  But in a chaotic vote where almost everyone was a target, three votes were enough to send a sickly Cammie out of the game.
15 remain.  Who will be voted out tonight?

Theme Song  
Hugo - Night 3
(Hugo returns to camp after Tribal Council)
Nancy:  All right, guys.  It's been a long night, and we all need get some rest.
Big Scott: (grunts, under his breath) Yes, mother.
Big Scott: (Narrating) I was totally in charge of that last vote, but it didn't go exactly the way I wanted it to.  See, I knew that Jeff wanted to weed out the weak people, so I was sure he was going to vote for Cammie.  I didn't really want to vote for Cammie.  I like Cammie.  But the thing is, Cammie was closest to Mrs. Gingham.  I wasn't sure if I could get enough votes to get rid of Mrs. Gingham yet, so I figured that the next best thing would be to take out her faithful little minion.  So I sat down with Kirk and Michelle 'cause I knew there was no love lost with them and Mrs. Gingham, and things just fell into place. (pauses) I'm not sure who it was that didn't vote with us, though.  That's a problem.
(The tribe settles into an uneasy sleep.  The stars rush by, and soon the sun is rising over the camp.
As Big Scott lies in bed snoring, Nancy and Jeff stand at the edge of camp, surveying the tribe's progress)
Nancy: (shaking her head) Four days already.  How on earth have we managed to get along this far without a shelter?
Jeff:  We need to get up off the ground.  I had bugs all over me last night.
Nancy: (looking at the sky) You'd think it would've rained on us by now.  We're going to need a real shelter with a real roof.
Jeff:  Exactly what I was thinkin'.  No more of this lean-to crap!
Nancy:  The kids might not be too thrilled about it, but we're just going to have to buckle up and do it.
Jeff:  Exactly.  We get done what needs to get done.
Jeff: (Narrating) I like working with Nancy.  She's a good woman, and she knows how to keep the rest of the tribe moving.  At least somebody else around here has a clue about what they're doing.
(Sara and Michelle have roused themselves and are staring
at the weak fire.  Big Scott continues to snore in the background)
Sara: (Narrating) My tribe's hard to figure out.  Why vote off Cammie first?  She was getting better, and she wasn't going to hurt the tribe anymore.  Not like some people around here...
Sara:  I'm just shocked that Cammie's gone already.  We just got here!  Poor Moo.
Michelle: (shakes head) Shouldn't have worn herself out that first day.  It's her own d*** fault.
(At this, Matt comes out of the woods from behind them with a little kindling)
Matt:  So, I guess you're real happy with yourself for voting Cammie off.
Michelle:  What are you talking about?  I didn't even vote for her!
Matt:  Oh, so you didn't gang up on her with Jeff and Kirk?  Funny...
Michelle:  What the H*** are you talkin' about, kid?  I'm wasn't about to vote for Cammie over that b**** Nancy.
Matt:  You know, it's probably not healthy to falsify your memories like that. (drops the wood) We need more firewood.
(Matt walks back into the woods and Michelle just stares after him)
Michelle:  Little punk!  Geez!  What's his problem?
Sara: (a little uncomfortably) Well, on that note...
(Sara gets up to go help gather firewood, going the opposite direction from Matt.
 Michelle stays where she is, staring into the fire, now quite angry)
Michelle: (Narrating) I don't know what that guy's problem is.  So your friend got voted out last night!  Big deal!  Don't you even go blaming me for it!
 (Cut to shot of the fire smoldering slowly by the kindling) 
Tolstoy - Day 4
(It's morning at Tolstoy, and Connie's gathering palm leaves as the rest of the tribe works on the shelter)
Connie: (Narrating) I'm so glad that we didn't have to go to the tribal council yesterday.  It's good to just work out here and get to know these kids, and I think that we're bonding well as a team.  I'd hate to have to vote someone off right now.  We're spending so much of our time just focusing on surviving out here, so hopefully I won't have to think about the game itself for a few more days.
(Guy cuts sticks with the hatchet to use for more cross-pieces on the shelter, while Kent and
Chris do the more precise work of tying the pieces onto the long double lean-to structure.
While the men do this, Susan and Connie weave Cohune palm leaves together
to thatch the roof.  Dana transports the materials to the groups as they need them)
Kent: (to Chris) We're about out of rope here.
Chris:  Hey Dana, can you get us some more of that rope stuff?
Dana: (excitedly) Yeah!
(At Chris' request, Dana immediately drops her armload
of palm leaves and runs off to the rope pile)
Kent: (smiling to Chris) Pretty eager to please, that one.
(Chris chuckles and nods.  While Dana goes by, Guy compares one stick to another that's already been
cut to see how long it needs to be.  He then lays the new stick on a rock to cut it to the proper length with
the hatchet.  Dana collects an armload of rope and rapidly approaches the men.  On the way,
she goes past Guy and in her haste her foot makes contact with the stick Guy is about to cut.
 The stick juts up at an odd angle but Guy doesn't notice what happens, so
he brings down the hatchet anyway.  It strikes the stick obliquely and the hatchet
bounces off of it, striking the rock instead.  When it hits the rock it knocks loose several shards
which fly up.  One of these becomes embedded in Guy's left hand. In addition, a large portion
of the cutting edge of the hatchet breaks away out of the center due to the force of the contact)
(Guy throws the broken hatchet off to the side and waves his hand around in the air while yelling.
Dana stops short, shocked by Guy's outburst.  Everybody stops what they are doing to look up at Guy)
Chris: (Narrating) This afternoon we were working on the shelter and Guy just started screaming like a madman.  I guess that's actually normal for someone like Guy, but he was screaming kind of loud this time, so we thought we'd better see what was wrong.
Susan: (annoyed) Guy!  What are you screaming about this time?
Guy: (in agony) My hand!
Chris:  What'd you do?
(Guy does not respond, but continues waving his hand around and doing a little dance because
of the pain.  Kent puts down his work and saunters over to Guy.  Dana has dropped the rope at her
feet and is staring at Guy in shock, being the only person in a position to see the blood dripping
from his hand.  Susan approaches Guy as well and notes the broken hatchet lying on the ground)
Susan:  Whoa, the hatchet's broken.  Look at this thing!
(Susan holds it up for Connie to see)
Connie:  Oh dear.  Can we still use it?
(Kent, meanwhile, has made his way over to Guy and sees the blood)
Kent:  Let me see your hand there, Simmons.
(Guy stops jumping a moment and extends his arm to Kent,
who inspects the hand and notices the rock stuck in it)
Kent:  He's got a piece of rock stuck in there. (to Guy) I'm going to have to pull it out.
Guy:  Whatever!  Just do it, Coach!
Connie: (Narrating) Somehow, Guy managed to get a rock stuck in his hand, so Kent had to pull it out for him.  It wasn't pretty to watch.  If I were poor Guy, I think I would've fainted.
Kent: (to Dana) Why don't you go get the medical kit?
(Dana stares at Guy's hand a moment longer, then without a word bolts off to retrieve the med kit)
Kent:  Hold your breath, Simmons.
(Guy inhales sharply, and Kent extracts a long piece of rock from between Guy's
knuckles.  Guy then grunts from the pain after it's out, and blood oozes from the wound)
Kent:  How'd you manage to get that rock in there, Simmons?
Guy: (through clenched teeth)  I was cutting that stick, and the d*** thing moved on me, so I missed and hit the rock.  A piece just flew up and hit me.
(Susan holds up the hatchet)
Susan:  Look what you did, Guy!
Kent: (smiling) You sure did a number on the hatchet.
Susan:  This is the only one we've got, Guy, and it's broken.
Guy:  I know, OK?  It was an accident.
(Dana returns with the medical kit)
Kent: (to Dana) Why don't you go get his hand bandaged up?
Susan:  I'll do it.  Last time you used up half the d*** bandages. I've had some nurse training anyway.  Let's go, Guy.
(Susan leads Guy off to some shade and sits him down
to work on his hand.  Dana follows guiltily, staying with Guy)
Lance: (Narrating) I guess Guy went off and hurt himself again today.  I wouldn't mind, but he broke the G**D*** hatchet when he did it. We need the tribe to stay healthy, and we need to have all our equipment work.  Guy's just got to learn to be more careful.  He's such a spastic idiot.
(Dana watches as Susan wraps Guy's hand in bandages.  Susan finishes the job and walks away in disgust)
Dana: (Narrating) I think it's my fault that Guy got hurt, but he doesn't know it, and no one else does either.  I just wanted to help Chris... and now Guy's hurt again, and I feel like it's my fault.  I wish everybody would be nicer to him...  I felt responsible for him though, and no one else cared about him, so I stayed with him until he felt like working again.
(Pan out as Dana sits next to Guy)

. Hugo
(Nancy, Jeff and Matt are working together on building a base for the shelter)
Matt: (Narrating) We started on our shelter today.  About time!  Sleeping on the jungle floor wasn't exactly relaxing.  I mean, I'm not really a fan of bugs crawling into every available orifice, but you know, maybe that's just me...
Nancy:  What do you think we should do about this floor?
Jeff:  We've got the base poles up, so the most important thing we gotta do is make sure we ain't sleepin' so close to the ground.  I figure we elevate some pieces about a foot and a half up, then lay some stout branches down for a floor.
Nancy:  Then we'll need a lot of branches and some vines to tie them.  Matt, could you round up the other boys and go find some good thick little tree trunks for a floor?
Matt:  Why, thuretainly.
Nancy: (to Jeff) I'll find the girls and we'll gather the vines.  It's good that you have some expertise in this, Jeff.
Jeff:  I ain't no expert, but we'll get the job done.
(Jeff goes back to securing the poles in the ground as Nancy and Matt disperse)
Nancy: (Narrating) After last night's vote, I had assumed myself to be in an absolute numerical minority, but some of today's events have started to tip the scales in my favor.  I've just got to stay on my toes and keep looking for opportunities as they come along.
(Nancy is leading Sara into the jungle to gather vines)
Nancy:  So Sara, how you holding up?
Sara: (sadly) I don't know.  I feel bad about Cammie.  She shouldn't have been the first to go.
Nancy: (very interested) Why do you think that?  We had to vote for someone.
Sara:  People just ganged up on her because she was a little sickly.  It's not like she was being mean or anything.
Nancy:  Look Sara, this is a game.  It's not a game about winning challenges or having survival skills, although that helps.  This game is really about numbers.  When you have enough people on your side, people like Cammie don't get voted out.

Sara: (pauses) I suppose not.

Nancy: (drawing her face closer to Sara's) Would you like to make sure that in the future, it is the way you want it to be?

(Sara nods)
Nancy:  Then let me help you.
Sara: (Narrating) I'm not here to lose this game.  And I'm certainly not here to let the mean people walk all over the rest of us, either.  There are some people who simply don't deserve to win.  So how do I stop them?  Well, maybe Nancy can help me...
(Jeff's adjusting the poles, and Big Scott approaches him from among the trees)
Big Scott:  Hey Jeff!  How ya doin?  Doing a nice job there.
Jeff:  Um, thanks.
Big Scott:  So, we had an interesting vote the other night, huh?
Jeff: Yep. Sure did.
Big Scott:  Why do you think Cammie was the first to go?  Because she was sick?
Jeff:  Yeah, I woulda voted for Cammie because she was sick.  We gotta stay strong.
Big Scott:  But what kind of strength are we looking for?  Now the way I see it, we have a lot of people on this tribe who aren't exactly happy with Mrs. Gingham.  Some of the other people think she's too overbearing.  She does have a little bit of a controlling streak.
Jeff: (Cocks an eyebrow) Controlling?  She just knows how to get people to work.  Wouldn't a whole lot get done around here if we just sat around all day. 
(Jeff turns dismissively to walk into back into the woods, but Big Scott follows him)
Big Scott:  But you have to admit, she has a tendency to make people irritated.  Right?
Jeff: (grunts) She don't irritate me nearly like Sara.
Big Scott:  Yeah, it's hard to believe she can't even read a map.  She's a silly little wench.
Jeff:  You got that right.  Unless she starts pulling her weight around here, she's next on my list.
Big Scott:  Guess we'll see.
Big Scott: (Narrating) So I had a little talk with Jeff and he doesn't seem too favorable to getting rid of Mrs. Gingham.  He sure does have some problems with Sara, though.  I need Jeff's vote, so I might be able to use that relationship.  Just one more piece in the puzzle.

(Abigail, Dana, and Susan sit under the shade of a tree near the shelter.  Everyone
has taken a break, and most of the men are over by the fire waiting for some water to finish
boiling.  Guy is inspecting the shelter, which is about half completed.  The cross-pieces are in place,
and there are several layers of thatched leaves for the roof across three-quarters of the side by the
ocean.  Guy compares a stick to the length of one that is used for the diagonal piece on the completed side)
Abigail: (Narrating) Sometimes it's fun to clown around with this tribe.  We haven't got enough frivolity and friskiness around these parts, so it's up to me to provide some quality entertainment from time to time.
Guy:  Abigail, can you bring me that hatchet by your feet?
Abigail:  The broken one?
Susan:  No, the other hatchet. (scoffs) We only have one, doofus.
Abigail:  Oh, all right, guess I'll have to get up. (pulls herself to her feet) Oh, these old bones just don't work like they used to. (slips into old woman voice) Back in my day, we had to cut sticks with our teeth when we wanted something.
(At this, Dana giggles, but Susan just rolls her eyes and walks a little way toward the
beach.  Abigail notes that she has an audience, and begins to elaborate her act)
Abigail: (as old woman) Granny's not as fast as she used to be.  Just you keep your pants on there, sonny.
(Guy, who is paying no attention whatsoever to Abigail, bends over to put his head
under the shelter so that he can inspect what Chris and Kent have done with tying the
leaves and the crosspieces together.  Abigail continues her slow walk to him as Dana watches)
Abigail:  Always in a rush!  You kids today demand instant gratification!
(Dana titters at this, and Abigail brandishes the hatchet menacingly over her head as she nears Guy)
Abigail:  Me, me, me!  That's all you kids ever care about!  Don't have any respect for us old'ns!
(Abigail begins laughing heartily at herself, and she looks back to see if Dana
is laughing too.  When she does so, she plants one foot in front of herself and
then trips over it with the other one.  Abigail falls down hard, bringing the raised hatchet down
with herself.  Luckily, it lands with the flat side down.  Unluckily, it lands directly on Guy's foot)
Abigail:  Whoops!  Sorry 'bout that.
Guy:  Yeeeeoooooowww!
(With the blow, Guy immediately brings his head up.  Since it was under the shelter at the time,
his head goes straight through the weak roof of leaves.  Guy doesn't stop there, though.
Oblivious to what he's doing because of the pain, Guy begins thrashing around and jumping
up and down on his good foot, clutching the injured one with his hands.  His jumping wreaks
havoc on the shelter, tearing the new roof to pieces.  Dana stares at Guy in horror and Susan
turns around at the sound of Guy's yelling to see him destroying two days' work)
Susan: (Narrating) It's always  bad news to hear Guy scream.  Every time I hear it, I know something new is broken.  Today he sure did a nice job of banging up our shelter.  F***in' moron.
Susan:  Guy! What the H*** are you doing!
Guy:  She cut my foot off!
(Susan runs back to where Guy is screaming, and the men notice what's going on.  Lance flies
into a rage when he sees Guy breaking the roof, while Kent and Chris stare incredulously.  Lance
sprints off toward Guy, and Kent and Chris follow more leisurely when they realize what Guy's doing)
Lance: (infuriated) Guy, are you retarded?  What are you doing?
Susan:  Guy, stop thrashing around!
(As Lance and Susan yell at him, Guy comes to his senses and sees what he's doing.  He stops dead
for a moment, then slowly ducks under the side of the shelter and starts backing away from it, staring
at the frayed, ruined roof.  He stops and remains motionless, forgetting his pain when he realizes
what he's done.  He remains there until Lance arrives right next to him and yells at him loudly)
Lance:  You moron!  We've been working on that for two days!
Susan:  Why'd you do that?
Guy: (mortified) I didn't mean to...
Lance:  What do you mean you didn't mean to?  You don't do that much damage and call it a f***ing accident!
Guy: (quietly) My foot hurt, man.
Lance:  So you decided you'd just tear up the roof?  I swear Guy, you're such an a**.
Guy: (snapping out of it) I'm an a**, am I?  Hey, you don't want to mess with me, Lance.
(Guy moves toward Lance menacingly, starting to get worked up about the fact that people have been
yelling at him.  Lance shrinks away, intimidated, realizing that he might have pushed Guy too far)
Guy:  Just leave me alone, Lance!
(Guy continues to move toward Lance, but Kent and Chris arrive and quickly
get between them.  Kent has no trouble keeping Lance from Guy, but it takes Chris
a little more effort to get Guy to turn toward the ocean and move away a bit)
Guy: (Narrating) Lance is such an a**hole.  He just screams at me, you know?  I didn't mean to tear everything up.  But getting hit on the foot with a hatchet don't feel too good, you know?  He just doesn't want anything to do with me, and I think this was just an excuse for him to yell at me.  Why do people have to be like that all the time?
Kent:  Simmons, why don't you make sure your foot's OK?
Chris:  C'mon Guy.  Take off your boot and look at your foot.
(Chris works to get Guy to inspect himself for injury, while Kent examines the remains of the shelter)
Kent: (to Lance) This is going to take some work.
Abigail: (Narrating) Guy broke everything.  I suppose I hurt him a little when I fell down, but he didn't have to make such a big deal about it.  Everybody is even madder at him now.  He shouldn't have blown up over something that small.  Now Lance really wants to get rid of him, and even though Lance got carried away, I think some people agree with him.
(Shot of a support of the shelter falling down as Lance scowls at it)

(The tribe continues work on the shelter as the sun begins to sink in the
sky.  Kirk, Big Scott, and Matt are chopping down small trees in a secluded area)
Big Scott:  (Narrating, mocking) OK, so today we were out doing chores for Nancy, (mutters under breath) Stupid rat queen... And while we were out, Kirk decided to get all cutesy. (mockingly) "Oh, I am a sex god!  Look at me!  I'm a big man because I get women drunk!"
Big Scott: (Singing) 'Cause you're his cheeseburger, his precious cheeseburger, he'll wait for yoo-ou, yes, he'll wait for yoo-ou.
Matt:  Hey Scott, who sings that one?
Big Scott: (In poor Spanish accent) Mr. Lunt.
Matt:  So why don't we leave it that way?
Big Scott:  Little nerd.
(Kirk grunts audibly, then gives a final chop with the machete to fell the tree on which he's working)
Big Scott:  That's a right nice piece of wood there, Kirk.
Kirk:  Not nearly as big as my wood, if you know what I mean.
(Matt looks at Big Scott, who rolls his eyes up and shakes his head)
Kirk: (Narrating) Out in the woods today, it struck me that I'm workin' with a bunch of prudes around here.  So I thought maybe I'd lighten things up and give 'em a bit of sex education.
(Kirk saunters over to Matt and Big Scott, holding the knife)
Kirk:  I ever told you boys about the first time I got laid?  I was eleven years old.
Matt:  Ah, so debauchery isn't a new thing for you.
Kirk: (ignoring Matt) Man, she was a good lay.  She was fifteen, and she got totally hammered, so I thought I'd hammer her for a while.  Only lasted about four minutes, but hey, it was the first time.  You guys know how that is.
Big Scott:  You know Kirk, actually, we don't.  We're Christians.
Kirk:  Come on Scott, you're 21 years old.  I know you've done the deed.  How old were you the first time?
Big Scott:  No, really Kirk, I choose not to have sex with women.  It's against my religion to have sex before you're married.
Kirk: (Coming closer to Big Scott) Now really, a big strong boy like yourself?  Look at those feet.  You know that they say about guys with big feet...
Big Scott:  They wear big shoes?
Kirk:  You s***in' me?  How 'bout you, Matt?  You get 'em drunk, or do you pay for it?
Matt:  Not everyone's like you, Kirk.
Kirk: (laughs) Are you telling me that you actually got a girl who was sober?  If you'll pardon me, I do find that a little hard to believe.
Matt:  You know what I meant.  I've never slept with anybody either.  We both think that's wrong.
Kirk: (still not convinced) I know it's a struggle for you gentlemen, but surely there's some b**** out there who's desperate enough...
Big Scott:  Look Kirk, it's a choice, OK?  We're virgins because we want to be virgins.
Matt:  We don't need to take advantage of women to feel like bigger men.
(Kirk spends a moment looking at Big Scott, then turns to stare at Matt, and they
both look right back.  He then changes his expression and shrugs his shoulders)
Kirk:  Hey, whatever guys.  Let's get these logs back. (under his breath) F***ing queers.
(Kirk turns around and grabs the tree he just felled.  Matt goes over to help Big Scott)
Matt: (Narrating) Today Kirk was making Scott a little ticked off, talking about sex again.  OK, you're a pervert, we know that.  On the positive side, it is funny to watch him get Scott mad.  That's not good strategy, but it sure is entertaining.
(Back at camp, Sara and Michelle return with armloads of vines for the shelter)
Michelle:  Hey Jeff, we brought you something.
(At Michelle's voice, Jeff stops his work to come over and see what she's got)
Michelle:  Will these work?
Jeff: (smiling at Michelle) These'll be just fine.
Sara:  How about these?
(Jeff glances briefly at Sara's vines, then turns his attention back to Michelle)
Jeff:  Those look a little small. Probably aren't strong enough. Let's weave these into rope.
(Michelle and Jeff move off toward the nascent structural frame while Sara just looks after them angrily)
Sara:  (compares her own vines) What's the difference?
(Jeff laughs with Michelle as Sara watches, perplexed.
The sun sets over Camp Hugo and the night rushes by) 
Tolstoy - Day 5
(The sun rises over Camp Tolstoy.  Connie lays on the shelter floor, staring at the broken roof)
Connie: (Narrating) It's bad that Guy wrecked the shelter yesterday, but for me food is more of a concern than shelter.  It hasn't rained very hard here yet, but we haven't been eating any protein whatsoever.  We've been eating the hearts of Cohune palm trees and Guy found some Pokenoboy fruit, but nobody likes it much.  We'd all really appreciate some meat right now.  I guess we should just be grateful for what we have.
(It is early and unusually, Chris is up first.  He's out on the beach tossing his football up in the air.
Susan rises and sees him in the dim morning light.  She goes out on the beach to join him)
Susan:  Hey, what are you doing up so early?
(Chris tosses the football to Susan, who catches it as she approaches him)
Chris:  It's kind of hard to sleep out here on the beach.  It rained on me a little last night.
Susan:  I guess you were over at the edge of the shelter, weren't you?
Chris:  It will be OK by tonight. We just have to fix the rest of that far side.
Susan:  Yeah, Guy put us back pretty far, didn't he?
Chris:  Yeah.
(They both turn and look out at the ocean)
Susan:  You know, before I got on the plane to come here, I'd never seen the ocean before.  Now that I've seen it, it's not as pretty as I imagined it.  The waves sound soothing though.
Chris:  Yeah, it reminds me of the beach back home in Desloge.
Susan:  I guess I don't know where Desloge is.  Is it close to the coast?
Chris:  Sort of.  It's just outside of St. Louis.
Susan:  (punching Chris)  You b******!  (laughing)  Isn't it neat being out here?
Chris:  Yeah, we have a pretty good tribe.
Susan:  It's not bad.  Everybody has their bad sides, but I like all the people out here.  I think that we're able to have fun even though it's a lot of work to live here. (pauses)  You wanna play some catch?
Chris:  OK.  Go long.
(Susan runs down the beach from Chris and he launches it to her.  She jumps to
grab it, and when she lands she sees that there is a dead fish right at her feet)
Susan:  Hey, Chris, come check this out!
(While Chris approaches, Susan looks around and sees two more lying nearby)
Susan:  (pointing)  There are some fish here.  Looks like we've got something to eat.
Chris:  They look like carp.  Where do you think they came from?
Susan:  Who cares?  Let's go cook them before people get up.  They'll have a nice surprise for breakfast.
Chris:  OK.
Susan: (Narrating) This morning, I was out with Chris early, just shooting the s*** on the beach and we found fishies!  I am so stoked we're gonna have a good meal.  Eatin' palm trees sucks.
(Chris and Susan collect the fish and bring them into the camp,
where Connie and Kent have gotten up and are tending to the fire)
Susan:  Look what we got!
Connie:  Where'd you get those?
Susan:  They were washed up on the shore.
Connie:  That's great you guys!  We need all the protein we can get.
(Kent cleans the fish and Susan starts frying them.  The smell
wakes up Lance and Dana, but Abigail continues slumbering)
Lance: (groggily) Are you cooking something?
Susan:  Chris and I found some fish for breakfast!
Lance:  Where?
Susan:  They just washed up on the shore.
Dana:  Are you sure they are safe to eat?
Susan:  I'm sure they're fine.
Dana:  I wonder how they died...
Dana: (Narrating) This morning when I woke up, Chris and Susan had brought some fish home for breakfast.  I guess they just died and washed up on shore.  I didn't really want to eat them because before I came I read that Nicaragua has some of the most polluted water in the world, so I was leery of them.  Susan was excited about them though, so I didn't say anything.  I just didn't eat very much.
(Shot of the fish sizzling in the frying pan. The Sun rises over the beach of Tolstoy) 
(Nancy, Big Scott, and Matt go for Tree Mail)
Nancy:  Let's see what Mr. Burnett has cooked up this time.
(She lifts the lid on the basket and Big Scott reaches in and
pulls out a wooden disk with writing spiraled around one side)
Big Scott:  Mmm... Looks like pancake...
Matt:  Maybe for a myopic beaver.  What's it say?
Big Scott: (turning it to read it) .
You've been working hard;
It's time for a fast break.
If you win this game
Something helpful you'll take.
For those who can catch
And those who can throw-
If this one you win
then fishing you'll go. .
If it's got throwing and catching, it's gotta be fun, at least.
Nancy: (laughs) Maybe for you younger folks.  Personally, I'm ready for the food auction.

Reward Challenge: Ultimate Frisbee 
(Shot of a field cleared in the jungle. Cones form the outline of a
football field. The Survivors approach Jeff, who stands in the center)
Probst:  How you guys doin? Welcome to your first reward challenge.  Today's challenge is simple.  It will require teamwork and a lot of finesse.  All you have to do is outscore your opponent.  And you'll be using this.
(Probst pulls out an ultimate frisbee)
Big Scott:  Yes!!  This is gonna be cake!
Probst:  Some of you have played this before.  Here's what you'll do.  Teams will either throw off or receive the frisbee.  When you have possession, move down the field into your endzone.  When you have the frisbee, you cannot run, but you get a pivot foot.  Throw to your teammates.  When you catch the frisbee, stop moving and throw to someone else.  The frisbee must touch a guy and a girl before you can score.  If it touches the ground, possession goes to the other team.  Defenders, you can wave your arms, jump up and down, whatever causes the offense to drop the frisbee.  Bat it down, just stay an arm's length away.  You cannot touch the person holding the frisbee.  First team to three wins.  You guys wanna know what you're playing for?
(The Survivors give an enthusiastic "yes")
Probst:  An extra lantern, some items to keep your bellies full.  Fishing hooks, fishing line, and a huge 30-meter fishing net, much bigger net than the one that came with your supplies.  Tolstoy, this is a seven person game, you'll have to sit someone out, keeping in mind that you cannot sit out the same member in back to back challenges.  Who's it gonna be?
Connie:  Oh, that's me!
Jeff:  Connie, you'll stay with me on the sidelines.  Teams, pick a captain, send them to the center.
(Tolstoy selects Chris; Hugo selects Big Scott.  They
meet Probst in the center while the teams line up)
Probst: (producing a coin) Who's gonna call this?
Chris: You can do it.
Probst: (tossing the coin) Call Kris or Mary Lou.
Big Scott:  Kris!
(The coin lands and Kris Tebalt's face grins up at the sky)
Probst:  You got it.  Wanna throw or receive?
Big Scott:  We'll receive.
Probst:  Tolstoy, you'll throw from your 15.  Take your positions and wait for my go.
(The two teams line up on opposite sides of the field)
Probst:  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(Chris launches the frisbee, and it sails down the field and lands at Hugo's ten yard line.  Nancy
picks it up. Guy is immediately on her because he sprinted down the field while the frisbee was
flying.  He jumps up and down in Nancy's face, waving his arms and screaming at her)
Nancy:  I can't see anyone!
(Sara runs back lateral to Nancy and motions to her.  Nancy tries to throw it, but Guy
bats it down at Hugo's 11.  Susan has raced up to join Guy.  She picks up the frisbee)
Susan:  Get in the endzone, Guy!
(Guy sprints to the endzone, but Matt drops back to cover him. Lance has come up to
join Guy and Susan and runs to the corner of the endzone, well ahead of Sara.
Seeing Guy covered, Susan gives Lance an easy throw and he catches it)
Probst:  Tolstoy, that's a point!
Lance: (throwing his arms up in the air)  Who's the man?  Who's the man?
Probst:  Tolstoy, get back to throw.
(The teams line up again, and Lance throws it this time.  It does not go nearly as far as Chris' throw.
Kirk catches it at midfield.  Guy is immediately on him, jumping up and down while screaming)
Kirk:  F*** you.
(Kirk deliberately throws the frisbee right into Guy's throat.  Guy falls back, choking)
Kirk:  Have a nice day.
(Luckily, Jeff is standing right next to Kirk.  He dives for the frisbee and catches it
before it hits the ground after bouncing off Guy's neck.  Jeff gets up and looks downfield.
Matt and Big Scott have sprinted to the endzone.  Big Scott is covered by Chris, Matt by Kent)
Jeff:  Hey Scott!
(Jeff throws it hard to Big Scott, who has to jump for it near
the sideline, but just brings it down over Chris at the three)
Big Scott:  It's gotta touch a girl!
(At that moment, Michelle catches up with Big Scott and runs by him into the endzone)
Michelle:  I'm here!
(Big Scott gives it a hammer toss to get over Chris, and the frisbee
just drops gently into the hands of Michelle, who had outrun Dana)
Probst:  Hugo on the board!
Michelle:  Let's go Hugo!
(Michelle squeals and jumps into Big Scott's arms.  The teams then line back up for
another throw, and Big Scott launches it to Tolstoy's four, where Chris is waiting)
Chris:  Go long, guys!
(Kent, Susan, Dana, and Guy sprint down the field toward the endzone.  Chris executes
a perfect throw way down the field to Guy, who claps it into his hands at the ten yard line.
Kent then leapfrogs past him and Guy gives him an easy toss that brings it to the three yard line)
Kent:  I need a girl!
Matt:  I thought you were married.
(Ignoring Matt, Kent looks to his right, where Dana is running to the endzone with
Nancy a little way behind her.  Kent gives her a very good throw right in front of her,
and it sails straight through Dana's hands and lands harmlessly in the endzone)
Probst:  Hugo, your possession!
(Matt picks up the frisbee and Guy immediately covers him)
Matt:  You just don't give up, do you?
Guy:  (yelling)  Never!
Matt:  Sara, get open!
(Sara runs lateral to Matt and receives a short pass.  Hugo then quickly works the frisbee
up the field through a series of short passes, going to Nancy, then Matt again, then Kirk, and
then Jeff gets it at about the 20.  He sees Big Scott and Michelle again in the endzone.
Big Scott is double covered this time by Chris and Lance, and Abigail is on Michelle)
Jeff:  Michelle!  Go right!
(Michelle immediately reverses directions and Abigail tries to do the same, but trips over her own foot)
Abigail:  Whoops!
(Jeff whips it over to Michelle, who catches it easily in the endzone with no one
covering her.  Susan makes it to the endzone just in time to see Michelle bring it down)
Michelle:  That's number two!
Susan: (breathlessly) Yeah, a big pile of number two.
Probst:  Hugo, your throw.
Connie:  Come on Tolstoy, you're still in this!
(The teams line up again, and this time Michelle gives a relatively short throw up the middle.  Chris is on it
at the 20, and Kent, Susan, Abigail and Guy race down the field in anticipation of a fast break.  Chris sees
that all four of them are covered, so he gives a short throw to Dana, who unexpectedly misses the pass)
Lance:  Lick a D***!
(Jeff is immediately on the frisbee, and Big Scott and Michelle are once again racing
for the endzone.  Jeff sees Chris and Lance cover them, and so he launches it to the far
corner of the endzone.  Big Scott has a step on the defenders, with Michelle trailing them.
All three of the guys jump to get the frisbee, but it is too high for Lance or Chris.  Big Scott is able to
get his fingertips under it, but it just circles his fingertips and flies back behind him.  Lance, Chris,
and Big Scott land in a heap, but the frisbee comes back and lands in the hands of a sliding Michelle)
Probst:  That's three! Hugo!
(Hugo players flood into the endzone and Jeff and Big Scott lift Michelle
up on their shoulders.  She clasps the frisbee over her head in celebration.
Tolstoy watches them breathlessly, and Lance shoots a dirty look at Dana)
Probst:  Hugo, you earned it.  Here's your lantern, fishing hooks, fishing line, and the 30-meter huge fishing net. Happy hunting.
(Hugo collects their prize and continues celebrating as they leave the field.  Tolstoy walks home angrily)

(The tribe walks back from the challenge, generally elated at the victory.  Kirk and Jeff walk in the lead, carrying the new loot.  Nancy trails slightly behind the group, watching them all as they interact)
Michelle: (Narrating) We had a frisbee challenge today, and I had three awesome catches in the end zone.  It was nice to get away from camp and do something fun, and I think that the W brought down some of the tribe's tension.  Winning rocks!
Big Scott: (to the group) So then I saw Michelle wide open in the end zone, and I just ganked it to her in the corner.  It was beautiful.
Matt:  What the Heck does "ganked it" mean?
(Everyone else seems inquisitive about this word as well, but Big Scott goes on, ignoring Matt)
Big Scott:  But the crowning glory was that last one.  I almost had it.  If I'd jumped just a second later I so could've been all over that thing.  I had two steps on Lance and Chris, easy.
Michelle:  Well, ya did a good job of tipping that sumb**** for me.
Big Scott:  I gotta give you props.  That was a nice catch.
Sara:  Not just that one- You caught all our points.  You just go, girl.
Michelle: (raising arms above her head) Hugo rules!
(Even Kirk smiles at this, and the group jubilantly returns to camp.
Nancy, however, seems a little less excited than the rest of them)
Nancy: (Narrating) It's pleasant when we all get along, but I can't say that it's the best thing for me personally.  Generally speaking, there is power in unity, but we only play as a tribe for so long, and I'd rather know where there are cracks in this tribe.  Cracks can be exploited.  I still have some investigating to do before the next Tribal Council.  I will not be going into another one blind.
(Back at camp, Nancy, Big Scott, Matt, Jeff and Kirk pause by the fire after returning from the challenge)
Jeff:  Hey Kirk, you wanna go see if there are any fish out there?
Kirk:  A'ight.
Nancy:  You boys have fun.  Bring us back something to eat.
Kirk:  I'll do my best, Ma'am.
(Jeff and Kirk take off with the new net.  Big Scott and Matt seem to be
perfectly content sitting by the fire.  Nancy grins as the men go off to fish)
Nancy:  It's nice to see everyone getting along with each other, isn't it?
Matt:  Well, I don't think we're really as friendly as appearances would indicate.
Big Scott: (warily) We seem to be getting along pretty well for the most part, I think.
Matt:  I guess that's one way of putting it.  A completely incorrect way, but still one way to say it.  We've got some problem people in this tribe.
Big Scott: (quickly) But we're starting to get over all the problems.  We just had trouble at first since it's a weird situation.
Matt:  The situation is that Michelle is a witch and Kirk is a pervert.  Kirk told us a real nice little story yesterday. He's always talking about sex - the guy's just nasty.  And Michelle?  She voted off Cammie, then she lied to me to my face about it!
(From behind Nancy, Big Scott mouths "shut up" to Matt,
who remains completely oblivious to Big Scott's hinting)
Nancy:  Perhaps she was telling the truth?
Matt:  Oh right, like she knows how to do that.  You know that she's just gonna lie to all of us.
Nancy: (turning to Big Scott) Scott, do you think Michelle would lie?
Big Scott: (putting up his hands) I don't know. (Getting up) I'm going to go see if Kirk and Jeff need any help.
(Big Scott trudges off quickly, but Matt just keeps talking)
Matt:  Well, if Michelle didn't lie, then who voted Cammie off?  It had to be Sara and Jeff and Michelle!  Kirk voted for you, I voted for Michelle, you and Cammie voted for Kirk, Biggy voted for...me?
Nancy:  Do you think he'd do that?
Matt:  No, Scott wouldn't... he didn't. Michelle did.  She knew that I was on to her.  That's why we've got to get rid of her-she's tricky.
Nancy:  Then who was the other vote for Cammie?
Matt:  It had to be Kirk.
Nancy:  Does that mean that Scott voted for me?
Matt: (pauses) I'm not sure.  I need to talk to him, I think.
Nancy:  Let me know what you two want to do next.
Matt:  Oh, I'm sure he'll want to get rid of Michelle.  He can see through her too.
Nancy: (Narrating) Talking to Matt today was enlightening.  I know that it wasn't Michelle who voted for him-it had to have been Sara, because she felt so sorry for Cammie that she couldn't have voted for her.  That means that either Michelle is lying and she voted for Cammie, or Scott is hiding the fact that he voted for me.  Either way, I'm going to have to watch both of them more closely.
(Sara and Michelle are bathing themselves up the beach, away from the others)
Michelle:  So do you think any of the guys on the other tribe are hot?
Sara:  That crazy guy's in good shape, but I do not go for men who belong in a psych ward.  I detect just a hint of psychosis there.
Michelle:  Guy's nuts... are tiny.
(Michelle laughs at her own joke, and Sara laughs weakly and tries to change the subject)
Sara:  So what do you think of them?
Michelle:  There's not much to look at over there.  Guy's a whacko, Lance is a perv, Chris looks like a nerd, and Coach O is like fifty.
Sara:  Well, older men have something about them.  There could always be some kind of allure there.
Michelle:  Na-asty!
Sara:  Sean Connery is about a hundred, and he still has women falling all over him.
Michelle:  But he's rich!  If Coach O had a million dollars, he might look a little better.
Sara:  He might if he wins this game.
Michelle:  No one on Tolstoy's going to win this game.  Hugo's going all the way, baby!
Sara:  But eventually, Hugo's going to have to split up.  Only one person can win this.
Michelle:  We'll have to make sure it's not Nancy, Matt, or Fatty.  We'll just use them until we don't need them any more.
Sara: (Narrating) It's strange how everyone has her own little plan on how to win this game.  I didn't realize when I signed up for this just how mentally nasty it would get.  I thought this was just about staying alive.  If I'm going to win this, I guess I need to start thinking like everybody else.
(Shot of Michelle and Sara laughing together. The sun sets over Camp Hugo)

Tolstoy - Day 6
(The sun rises over Camp Tolstoy.  Soon it is mid-morning)
Susan: (Narrating) This isn't a bad tribe, it just has a few members who are dysfunctional.  I mean, everybody knows that Guy is an idiot, but there are others, too.  Abigail really chaps my a**.   She always pretends that she's doing work, but I can tell that she's just moving things around and trying to look busy.  And she's such a klutz.   The thing is, it's like she's trying to mess things up.   I think she just wants our attention, but I can't figure out why.
(Susan and Chris stand near the campfire. Chris drinks from his canteen while Susan
stands with her hands on her hips looking out at the beach, where Abigail is sitting)
Susan:  Can you believe her?
Chris:  Who? Abigail?
Susan:  She never does any work, and she just goes off by herself all the time.  I mean, can you name one thing she's contributed around here?  And Lord only knows what she does with herself when she's alone.
Chris:  She's helped us with the shelter.
Susan: (mocking) "Daddy won't buy me my own beach to play on, so I'll just go on Survivor."  I'd like to see her do some real work around here.
Chris:  I was about to go get some water.  I'll see if she wants to go.
Susan:  Yeah, that'd be good.
(Susan goes back to work on thatching with Connie and Dana, while Chris
approaches Abigail.  Abigail has been writing in the sand, and the names of her
teammates are written before her.  There are lines through Lance, Susan, Kent, and Connie)
Abigail: (Narrating) When my brother played this game, a guy named Kris tricked him and voted him out right at the beginning.  I'm not going to let that happen to me.  I can see that Lance and Kent are getting friendly, and I think that Susan and Mrs. Schwartzmann are going to vote with them.  That means that if I don't want to be in the minority, I need to get Guy and Dana to vote with me.  That shouldn't be very hard.  I have my own Chris to deal with, though, and I don't plan to let him do the same thing Kris did to John.
(Chris walks up right behind Abigail so that his shadow covers her.  She notices it
and jumps up, trying to rub her foot over the writing to erase it as she faces Chris.
She tries to hide her work, but to no avail.  Chris has already seen it all)
Abigail:  Chris!  You startled me!
Chris:  Do you want to go on a water run with me?
Abigail: (still rubbing the ground) Sure, OK, I'll come.
(Chris nods and turns from Abigail, rolling his eyes a little at her.  She checks to
make sure that no trace of her writing remains, then follows him to the fire for the water jugs)
Abigail: (to anyone who's listening) Well, we're off to get some water.
Susan:  Glad to see you're doing some work.  Don't get lost.
Abigail: (nervously) We won't get lost, will we Chris?
Chris:  No, probably not.  Let's go.
(They head off into the woods, and after walking in silence for a little while, Abigail speaks)
Abigail:  So Chris, do you think about the game much?
Chris: (monotone) What do you mean?
Abigail:  Oh, I don't know.
(Chris continues walking, knowing what's going to come next)
Abigail:  Have you thought about how you're going to vote to stay in this game?  Probably it would be a good idea if you voted against Lance.
Chris:  Oh?
Abigail:  Yeah.  See, Lance and Kent are going to vote together, and Susan and Connie will probably go along with them.  They'll vote out Guy next, because nobody likes him, and then they'll get rid of Dana because she's not very strong.
Chris:  You think so?
Abigail:  And then they'll get rid of you, because you'll be a threat to Lance.  That's the way it will happen, unless we do something to stop them.  See, if you and me and Guy and Dana vote for Lance, it will be a tie and we'll have a chance against them.  We'll have a tie-breaker and then we could be in control.
Chris:  But wouldn't you need to get Guy and Dana to vote with you?
Abigail:  Oh, don't worry about them.  I'll take care of that.  We just have to make sure that Lance and Kent don't find out what we're doing.  You've just got to get Lance before he gets you.  That's just the way this game is.
Chris:  I guess the game is that way.  We'll just have to see if we win immunity this time.
Abigail:  I'll work on the other two.
Chris: (Narrating) Abigail wants me to vote with her.  I'm not sure that she's right about who's going, though.  Why would Lance want to get rid of me?  Not that I wouldn't mind getting rid of him so much.  He's pretty cocky, and he's not very nice.  I'll have to see what happens between now and Tribal Council.
(Chris and Abigail fill the water jugs. Abigail smiles knowingly)

(Kirk and Michelle go for Treemail)
Michelle:  Well, let's see what we got to do today.
Kirk:  Hey, maybe they'll see who can smoke the most crack in an hour.
Michelle: (scoffs) Dream on.
Kirk:  Dream?  More like hallucinate!
Michelle:  Whatever. (Reading):
If you're having trouble
Getting your tribe to mesh
We've roped you into something
That will put you to the test
Don't get in a hurry
Or drag others along
If your team comes in second
You'll be saying "so long."
That totally sucks!  They rhymed "along" with "so long?"  Don't you think we could write better poetry than this?
Kirk:  H*** no.  I leave poetry to pencil-d***s like Probst.

Immunity Challenge: Laugh at the Weak 
(Shots of a long moat filled with murky water, a series of poles about
two feet off the ground, a cargo net stretched horizontally and elevated,
a six-foot wall of logs, and some wooden monkey bars over a pool of water)
Probst:  OK guys, welcome to today's Immunity Challenge.  First things first, Tolstoy, give it up.
(Chris hands Probst the statue of the Holy Heidik)
Probst:  Immunity back up for grabs.  Today's challenge is very simple, but very hard.  This is an official Contra military obstacle course, constructed for us by some local friends.  You will start by wading across this twenty foot moat of waist-deep water.  From there you will move on to the poles, which you will have to crawl under for a stretch of thirty feet. Then run up the ramp, make your way across the thirty foot cargo net, and back down.  Next obstacle is a six foot wall.  Use the rope to pull yourselves over.  Final obstacle is a ten foot stretch of monkey bars over four-foot deep water.  First team to make it through all of the obstacles and cross the finish line wins immunity.  Let me warn you, this course is tough.  It is 50 yards between each of the obstacles.  And here's something that will make it a little tougher.
(Probst holds up a rope)
Probst:  You'll be doing it tied together.  Tolstoy, since you're up one you'll have to sit somebody out, but it can't be Connie again.  Who's it gonna be?
Lance: (Without conferring) Abigail.
(Abigail shoots an angry look at Lance, but accepts it without pitching a fit)
Probst:  All right.  Get tied together, head over to the starting line, wait for my go.
(The teams tie themselves together in the following order:
Tolstoy:  Kent, Connie, Lance, Susan, Chris, Dana, Guy.
Hugo:  Jeff, Nancy, Kirk, Sara, Big Scott, Michelle, Matt.
The rope keeps them about three feet apart. They take their positions at the starting line)
Probst:  Survivors ready?  (Doing the arm thing)  Go!
(Jeff takes off sprinting for the first obstacle, but quickly realizes that he can't go very fast with
the entire team tied to his back.  He slows his pace, annoyed. Hugo works to keep up with him.
Kent starts with a much more controlled pace, knowing that he can't yank people along)
Kent:  Keep your heels up so you don't step on each other!
(Tolstoy tries to follow Kent's advice, and they slowly take the lead over Hugo.  Tolstoy arrives at the
moat first, and their pace immediately crawls when Kent starts wading through the water.  Hugo
comes in right behind.  Jeff hits the water and starts struggling powerfully to pull his team through it)
Jeff:  Come on!
Connie:  Doing fine, Tolstoy!
(Tolstoy emerges from the moat slightly ahead of Hugo.  Kent then returns the
team to its former pace and they make good ground toward the poles.  Hugo comes out just
after them.  Kirk is already huffing and puffing, and Big Scott is beginning to sweat from the effort)
Kirk:  D*** cigarettes...
(Tolstoy arrives first and Kent bends over slowly to get the team down in a controlled
way for the belly crawl. He starts going under as Jeff arrives at the poles.
Jeff throws himself down on his stomach and yanks Nancy down with him.
Kirk has to kneel quickly to stop the chain reaction.  Both teams get down and
get underway on the long, agonizing crawl. It is very slow going for
both teams.  Chris, Big Scott and Kirk all have a hard time getting their
large frames to move under the low poles.  It requires extra effort for all of them)
Chris: (between breaths, to himself) I really should have run more before this...
(Both teams struggle until they are nearly at the end of the crawl. Jeff pulls
himself out, but is again held back by the people behind him.  Big Scott, gasping for air,
pauses for a moment to catch his breath.  Michelle, who has been staring at the ground,
runs her head directly into Big Scott's butt.  Matt, who has been doing the
same, looks up just in time to receive a face full of Michelle's buns)
Michelle:  Get off me, dweeb!
Matt:  Believe me, I'd love to.
Jeff:  Let's move it, guys!
(Big Scott moves again and the tribe starts to emerge.  However, the pause has given Tolstoy enough
time to increase their lead and they come out well before Hugo.  Kent gets everyone up and starts
them moving off again at their normal pace toward the cargo net.  Dana and Connie are starting to
wear out, and Chris is badly flushed from the exertion, but Kent keeps them going.
Jeff keeps Hugo moving, and Nancy helps Big Scott out from under the poles.  Michelle
and Matt emerge immediately behind him.  Hugo moves off toward the cargo net)
Sara:  You can do it, Kirk!
(Kirk is having a very hard time at this point.  Sara puts her hand on his back encouragingly.
Tolstoy reaches the net and moves up the ramp before Hugo is halfway there)
Kent:  Keep you knees high on the net!
(Kent sets off across the net, but before he can move very far Connie trips and
comes down on Kent.  Before they get up, Hugo has reached the ramp
and started up.  Jeff, for once, waits for his teammates before starting.
He begins moving them along the outside of the net where it's more stable)
Susan:  Get up and move it, Connie!
(Both teams have considerable difficulty crossing the net, with several members of both
sides losing their balance and getting their feet caught in the holes.  Tolstoy
reaches the end first, and Kent starts down the ramp.  Chris makes it to the plank
OK, but then Dana's foot slips and she falls into the net, straddling the
final rope.  Guy, who is going full speed, somersaults over her and lands on his back on
the plank.  Kent and Connie keep on trucking, and Lance gets squeezed powerfully by his rope)
Lance: (desperately) Stop moving!
(The delay gives Hugo time to make it off the net and down the ramp.  Chris turns around
to pull Dana out while Guy pulls himself painfully to his feet.  Fresh blood is oozing
from beneath the bandage on his hand.  By the time the team has pulled
itself together and is down the ramp, Hugo is nearly at the wall.
 Kent increases the pace, and in spite of the pain and exhaustion, Tolstoy
moves on very quickly.  Jeff reaches the wall first and starts pulling himself up)
Big Scott:  We got this!  Just keep going!
(Nancy follows with Kirk giving her a hand, and then Kirk begins to pull himself up.  As Sara
starts the climb, Tolstoy makes it to the wall.  Kent scrambles up and then leans over
to start giving a hand to Connie.  When Sara is halfway, Big Scott turns to Matt and Michelle)
Big Scott:  I'm going to need a hand.
Michelle:  Oh God.
(Big Scott steps on Matt and Michelle's proffered knees, and with help from Kirk
and Sara pulling from above, he pulls himself over the wall.  Michelle is obviously
hurt by having to support Big Scott's weight with just one leg.  She gingerly pulls
herself up, followed by Matt.  Susan and Lance have scaled the wall with no problems,
and Chris makes it over as Matt hits the ground and Hugo stumbles toward the monkey bars.
Guy throws Dana up ahead of himself and then jumps nimbly over the wall)
Connie: (obviously tiring) We can still catch up!
(Tolstoy picks up the pace and arrives at the monkey bars just after a very tired Hugo.
Jeff swings out slowly, keeping his legs high to avoid dragging them in the water,
allowing Nancy plenty of time to begin behind him. She swings back and forth
with each bar, allowing her momentum to carry her forward.  Kirk has no problem, nor
does Sara.  Big Scott makes it out about three bars, then Sara swings back and her foot
nudges him. Upon being struck, Big Scott loses his grip and falls in the water, pulling Sara
down with him.  This gives Tolstoy the opportunity they need to catch up.  Kent leads
the team across with no problems, and by the time that Big Scott and Sara
have recovered their positions, Dana is getting off the bars.  Tolstoy
has a ten-yard lead by the time Hugo starts the final sprint)
Kent:  Dig!  Dig!
(Hugo begins the final sprint and makes good time, but Tolstoy's lead is nearly insurmountable.
 Tolstoy nears the finish line.  Guy starts going faster than Dana and she actually feels herself
being pulled along by both Guy and Chris.  When the team is about ten yards from the finish,
Dana trips on the uneven ground and is immediately pulled in two directions by Chris
and Guy.  Their progress is checked, and this time Susan gets squeezed by the rope)
Susan:  Owww!
(Kent, Connie, and Lance stop to look back.  Chris and Guy collect Dana and Guy
puts his arm around her and starts running with her.  Hugo rushes past Tolstoy while
they are lifting Dana.  Tolstoy tries to catch up to Hugo, but Jeff's
furious pace leads Hugo across the finish line just ahead of them)
Probst:  Hugo wins Immunity!  You guys want it, come get it!
(Jeff throws off his rope and bounds over to Probst to collect the idol.  Kirk
lies down on his back while Big Scott and Nancy hold their arms
over their heads to catch their breath.  Probst hands the idol to Jeff)
Probst:  Well earned.
(Tolstoy mills around exhausted.  Lance takes a knee, and Chris bends
over to throw up a little, wiping the corner of his mouth afterwards.)
Probst:  Tolstoy, you're there.  We have a date tonight at tribal council.  One of you's going home.
(Jeff and Sara hold up the idol in triumph.  Kent collects his team
and they start walking home.  Dana stares at the ground in humiliation).

(The tribe walks back slowly from the challenge.  Kent and Connie lead the
way, and Abigail, Guy and Dana bring up the rear.  Dana looks very upset)
Guy:  It just sucks so bad to lose, you know?
Dana:  I know...  I feel really bad about it because I think it was my fault.
Abigail:  Don't feel too bad about the challenge, Dana, we're not going to let them vote you out.
Dana: (very alarmed) Vote me out?
Guy:  Hey, don't worry, we've got your back.
(Guy reaches over and puts his arm around Dana's shoulders, which obviously makes her very uncomfortable.  She draws back from him a little, but wants to know what he's talking about)
Dana:  What do you mean?
Abigail:  Kent and Lance are going to vote against you, I think, because they think you mess up the challenges. But we have a plan.  If you and me and Guy and Chris vote against Lance, then we'll tie.  That way at least we have a chance.  Otherwise they're just going to vote us all out.
Dana:  But I like Lance...  I don't want to get voted out though...
(Guy reaches over to pat Dana's head)
Guy:  Come with us and you'll be safe, OK?
(When Guy touches her, Dana jerks away)
Dana:  Don't do that, please.
(Dana hurries to catch up with Chris and Susan, leaving Guy and Abigail behind)
Abigail: (to Guy) That wasn't very smart.
Dana: (Narrating) Abigail and Guy want me to vote with them.  I don't want to vote for Lance, but I don't want to get voted out either...  But I don't really want to join an alliance with Guy...  He's just so creepy.  I want to be nice to him because no one else ever is and he needs a friend, but he's just weird.  He actually kind of scares me.  Oh, I don't know what to do... (cries) I just wish I were better at challenges so I wouldn't have to worry about it.
(Back at camp, Susan talks with Connie off to the side of the shelter, away from the others)
Susan: (whispering) Have you noticed how Abigail never does any of the work?
Connie:  Well, she's been helping us with the shelter.
Susan:  No, she just moves things around so that it looks like she's working.  She's not pulling her weight around here, and we need to do something about it.
Connie:  Well, I guess I see your point.  Do you think we should vote her off?
Susan:  It could only make us stronger.
(Kent and Lance gather their things in preparation for tribal council
while Dana, Guy, Chris and Abigail throw around Chris's football)
Lance:  It's not that bad that we're going to council tonight, you know.
Kent:  Why's that?
Lance:  We get to get rid of the person who's been tearing up camp.  Man, it'll be nice to have Guy gone.  We've got to get rid of him before he destroys everything out here.  He's just crazy.  It's like having a wild animal in our camp.  You never know when the guy's gonna snap. I hate to think what he might do to someone if he got too mad.
Kent:  At least Simmons is pulling his weight around here.  He works as hard as any of us, and he does well in the challenges.  The boy's got a strong back and he's a worker.
Lance:  Well, that's true enough.
Kent: (Narrating) The vote could go a lot of ways tonight.  We're going to vote to keep the tribe strong, but there are a lot of kinds of strength.  We need to be physically strong in challenges, and we need to have hard workers around camp, and we need to have high morale as we live together.  We've just got to pick what's the most important.
(The tribe packs up and marches for Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 2

(Kent leads his tribe into the Tribal Council area)
Probst:   Well, I'm sorry to say, welcome to Tribal Council.  Behind you you'll find a torch with your name on it. Grab your torch and approach the flame.  This is a ritual here at Survivor, because at Tribal Council, fire represents life.  As long as your torch is lit, you're still in the game.
(The Survivors light their torches)
Probst:  Put your torches behind you.  Have a seat.
(They do so)
Probst:  OK, let's talk about the last few days.  First three days, you came out here, seemed to be a strong tribe, won the first immunity challenge.  Then, Hugo came back and beat you at the reward challenge and then again today at the immunity challenge.  Dana, how does it feel to get beat?
Dana:  It feels terrible.  The worst part about it is having to be here tonight.  I feel terrible about the challenges because I know that I could have done better.
Probst:  So are you feeling a little vulnerable tonight?
Dana:  If the leaders on the tribe want to get rid of me because I messed up a challenge, I would understand.
Probst:  Kent, Dana mentions leaders.  Do you see some people taking on leadership roles around the camp?
Kent:  We've got a great bunch of kids out here, and some of them seem to be doing more work than others. I'd say that the ones who contribute a little more might be looked upon as leaders.
Probst:  Abigail, would you say that some people work less around camp than others do?
Abigail:  We all work. We just do different things.  Some of us work more in gathering food or materials, and others build the shelter and get water.  We all have to work hard out here.
Probst:  Susan, would you agree?
Susan:  No, there are some people on this tribe who are just plain old lazy. (glances at Abigail) I just don't always feel like all our tribe is moving in the same direction.
Probst:  So I suppose that tonight, the vote could go a lot of directions.  Guy, what are you going to base your vote on tonight?
Guy:  Strategy.  I'll do what I need to to stay in this game.
Probst:  All right, well, it is time to vote.  And Guy, you're up first.
(Guy walks to the booth and writes down a name.  He votes for Lance)
Guy: You're just mean.  It's not right the way you act, you know?  The world doesn't revolve around you.  There are other people out here too, and tonight we're going to let you know it.
(Susan is up next.  We don't see her vote)
Susan:  You're pulling the team down, and I don't like you.  Good riddance.
(Kent is up next, followed by Connie.  Lance comes up and reveals his vote. It's for Guy)
Lance:  You're a freak, you don't fit in, and you wreck stuff.  Go scream at someone else for a while.  You won't be doing it here any more.
(Chris votes, then Abigail. She votes for Lance)
Abigail:  I thought I'd get you before you got me.
(Finally, Dana comes up to vote.  She uncaps the pen, stares at the paper, then
sighs and writes something down.  We don't see it. She goes to sit down)
Probst:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Probst leaves and comes back with the canister)
Probst: Once the votes are read, the decision is final, the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  I'll read the votes.  First vote:
. .
(Lance just nods)
. .
(Lance looks very surprised at the second vote)
Probst:  That's two for Lance.
(Guy accepts this as expected)
That's two votes Lance, four votes Guy.
(Guy looks nervously at Abigail)
And the first person voted off Tolstoy:
. .
Probst:  That's five, no need to read the final vote.  It'll remain a mystery.  Guy, I need you to bring me your torch.
Guy:  D***.  It didn't work.
Probst:  Guy, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs his torch) It's time for you to go.
Guy: (to Dana and Abigail) Good luck.  
(Guy trudges out)
Probst:  Well, in voting out Guy, you get rid of a strong guy, hard worker, someone who does well in the challenges. We'll see how that affects your game.  Head back to camp, get some sleep.
(The Survivors exit)  
Guy's Final Words: Man, why'd I have to be first? I just tried my best the whole time. You know, I don't think that this game is fair. Only people who are well-liked can win. It should just be about survival skills. While I was out here, I just got picked on and injured all the time. I hope Abigail and Dana do better than me. And I hope Lance gets voted out next. That's all, I guess. 
Voting Record:
Abigail: Lance
Connie: Guy
Chris: Guy
Dana: Guy
Guy: Lance
Kent: Guy
Lance: Guy
Susan: Guy 
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