Episode 3 – Aversion Therapy   
Probst: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
Hugo came together after a a rocky start to get their camp up and running, while at Tolstoy, Guy was destroying all the tribe's hard work.  As Big Scott continued his smear campaign against Nancy, Jeff was finding himself fed up with Sara.  Chris and Susan discovered fish for Tolstoy, while Abigail began to work to take over the tribe.  When Hugo won immunity, Abigail hoped to gather Chris, Dana, and Guy and take Lance out of the game.  But at Tribal Council, her tribemates took the opportunity to vote out the destructive force that was Guy.
14 remain.  Who will be voted out tonight?

Ancient Voices 
Tolstoy - Night 6
Lance: (Narrating) Going into Tribal Council, everybody agreed that it was time to get rid of Guy.  But, at least one person decided it would be cute to vote for me.  I'm not going to get all upset about it in front of everybody, but I'm definitely going to keep my eyes open from now on.  It's obvious that I'm a threat to somebody out here, and I don't plan to keep that person around, whoever it is.  I want us all to be happy f****ing campers.
(Kent and Connie lead the trek back from Tribal Council. Chris, Dana and
Abigail bring up the rear, and Susan and Lance talk quietly in the middle)
Lance:  Well, ole' f***stick is gone.  Good riddance.
Susan:  No s***.
Lance: (pauses) I wasn't expecting more than one vote.  Somebody was trying to send me a message.
Susan:  Who do you think it was?
Lance:  It can't be Kent and Connie.  They're solid.  They wouldn't vote against me.
Susan:  Guy voted for you...  Maybe more than one person voted against you.  Probst didn't read one.
Lance:  You talked to Chris beforehand, right?
Susan: Yeah, he seemed ready to get rid of Guy for sure.
Lance:  Are you completely sure?
Susan:  Not completely.  What about Abigail?
Lance:  She told me she was voting for Guy.
Susan:  Was she telling the truth?
Lance:  I'll have to keep my eyes on both Abigail and Chris, I guess.
(Meanwhile, at the back, Abigail talks with Dana)
Abigail:  Dana, did you vote against Guy?
(Dana doesn't respond)
Abigail: (a little louder) Did you?
(Tears come to Dana's eyes)
Abigail:  You did, didn't you!  Dana, that was our chance!  Why'd you do that?
Dana: (a little blubbery) I don't know.  Guy frightened me.  And I didn't want to be the one to go, so I voted for him too.  I had to.
Abigail:  Dana, we needed him!  Lance has numbers now, don't you see that?
Dana: (quietly) Guy was scary.
Abigail:  It doesn't matter if he was scary or not, he was a vote.  You can't just vote off scary people.  Don't you want to win a million dollars?
Dana:  Yeah...
Abigail:  Then you can't just vote for who you feel like voting for.  We have to plan. (exasperated) It's going to be hard now.
Dana:  I'm sorry.
Abigail: (Narrating) I was surprised at Tribal Council.  We had a plan, but Dana messed it up because she doesn't see what's happening.  Now I have to start all over again.  I don't know how I'm going to beat Lance, but I won't let him get rid of me.
(The tribe arrives back at camp and goes to bed.  The night passes)

. Hugo - Day 7
(It is morning at Hugo.  Michelle, Sara, and Big Scott lie under the shelter
although the sun is getting pretty high in the sky.  Matt sits outside and stares
at the fire.  Jeff chops wood nearby interrupts the otherwise quiet morning)
Michelle: (groggily) You hear that?
Sara: (Keeping her eyes closed) If by "that" you mean the insistent thwacking noise, then yes.
Michelle: (Narrating) Jeff's a stud.  He's up every morning before anybody, and the guy just works all day.  He makes life around this camp a whole lot easier for the rest of us.  So, some of us don't mind taking it a little easy in the morning since some of the others help him take care of most of the work.  We can just chill and save ourselves for important things.
Big Scott:  Didn't we just go to bed?
Michelle:  Do these people ever sleep?
Big Scott:  Yeah, guys like me need our beauty sleep.
Michelle:  You'd better get back to sleep then, boy.
Big Scott:  Shut yo mouf, foo.  Too early for funny.
(Big Scott turns over and slowly scratches the back of his thigh.  It makes a loud grating
noise as his nails scratch over his leg hair.  Michelle starts laughing, and Sara joins in)
Big Scott:  No laugh.  Sleep.
(The girls continue laughing.  Big Scott rolls over to face them)
Big Scott:  What?
Michelle: (laughing) You scratch yourself more than my dog, you big doof.
Sara:  Are you sure you haven't got mange or something?
Big Scott: (smiling) No mange.  Just fleas.
Michelle:  Watch out Sara!  The fleas are coming for you!
(Michelle reaches over and starts tapping her fingernails lightly on Sara's toes.
Sara, still a little asleep, withdraws them, but Michelle, who has woken
up at this point, pursues the feet and makes Sara shrink back in laughter)
Sara:  Hey, cut that out!  These little piggies don't like fleas!
Big Scott: (Narrating) Sometimes the girls and I play a little game where my "magic fingers" become fleas.  It's a great way to wake up in the morning.  They run like crazy.  They're such silly girls.
(Big Scott sees Sara recoil and decides it's time to join in the fun.  He pushes himself up
on his knees and slowly starts advancing toward Sara, wiggling his fingers menacingly)
Big Scott:  Here come the fle-eas!
(Big Scott lunges for Sara, but her eyes get wide as he approaches and she rolls out
of the way as he just misses.  She now backs up toward the corner of the shelter where
Michelle is.  Michelle looks playfully at Big Scott in mock horror, then turns to Sara)
Michelle:  The fleas are coming for us Sara!
(The girls squeal and clutch at each other as Big Scott continues the game, slowly and awkwardly  approaching them on his knees.  Matt just looks on in dismay, somewhat disgusted with the little display)
Sara: I think we're doomed!  Whatever shall we do?
Big Scott: (goofy voice) Here comes the flea-monster!
Michelle: (to Sara) Run for it!
(Michelle grabs Sara and they roll out of the shelter onto the ground in front of Matt just
before Big Scott lunges down to tickle them.  They collapse in a heap, laughing at each
other.  Big Scott looks down on them from where he holds himself up on all fours on
the elevated floor of the shelter.  Matt stands up and looks at Big Scott in disgust)
Matt:  Scott, can't you see what she's doing?  She's just trying to manipulate you!
(At this, Michelle and Sara stop laughing at look up at Matt, who looks down to glare at them)
Matt:  At least I can see through you.
(Matt shakes his head a little, then stomps off into the woods toward where
Jeff is.  Michelle and Sara untangle themselves and Michelle calls after him)
Michelle:  We're just having fun, dweeb!  Don't you know what fun is?  Lighten up!
Michelle: (Narrating) Matt's a skank.  That kid's just starting to get on my nerves!  What the H*** is his problem?  We were just having fun!
Sara: (Turning to Big Scott) What's that about?
Big Scott: (shrugging and muttering) Da-bazubahna...
Michelle:  That guy needs some help.
Sara: (Narrating) We've got some tension here in French-Author-Land, that's for sure.  Matt and Michelle are both great people when they're separated, but when you put them together, they're like a pair of beta-fish in the same tank.  I'm surprised they're both still alive right now.
(Later that day, Kirk, Jeff, Michelle and Sara sit near the fire playing dominoes as
they wait for their lunch to finish cooking.  Nancy broods over the pot, watching
the fish fry.  Matt and Big Scott laze around in the shelter some distance away)
Jeff: (Narrating) It's good gettin' work done around here, but sometimes it's nice to just relax for a while.  I brought dominoes for my luxury item, so we'll play 'em every now and again to sorta while away the time.
Jeff: (staring at his dominoes and singing very softly) 'Dem bones, 'dem bones, 'dem, dry bones...
Michelle: (laying down a double eight) I'm up.  What are you singing, Jeff?
Jeff:  'Dem Bones.  It came into my head because my sister and I always call this game "bones."
Michelle:  I've always just called it dominoes.
Kirk:  Hey, I think I know that song. (sings in low, scratchy voice, a little off rhythm) "With a knick-knack t***y-whack, she could give a dog a bone..."
Sara: (appalled) I don't think that's how it goes.
Jeff: (laughing) That's the wrong song anyway.  "Dem Bones" is different.
Michelle:  Isn't it the one about the "leg's bone's connected to the... hip bone" and all that stuff?
Jeff: (laying down an eight on Michelle's doubles) Yeah, that's it.
Sara:  It's a good way to teach kids about anatomy.
Kirk: (playing a domino) I learned the old fashioned way.  By walking in on my parents.
Michelle: (laughs) Gawd, you perv!
Kirk:  I wasn't no perv! I was six!
Sara:  Well, it's a little inappropriate to talk about it, don't you think?
Kirk:  Inappropriate?  What the H*** else are we gonna talk about out here?
Michelle: (Narrating) Jeff and I have a good time together out here.  He knows about a whole lot of stuff and he's just interesting to talk to.  I dunno - maybe we got something there.
(At this, Jeff and Michelle both laugh and catch each others' eyes.  They continue to smile at
each other and roll their eyes in the general direction of Kirk while Sara launches into a short
discourse on what's proper to say in mixed company.  Meanwhile, Nancy just eavesdrops)
Nancy: (Narrating) It's mildly disconcerting to watch the younger people bond.  I always feel outcast for my age, but it's especially hard to watch the guys I trust spend so much time with the pretty young girls.  It wouldn't be too hard for them to form a little clique and take out this old lady.  I'll have to see to it that that doesn't happen.
(Shot of steam rising off of the cooking fish)

Susan: (Narrating) With Guy gone, the mood around camp has changed a lot.  It used to be that Guy would hurt himself or make someone mad every few hours and then he'd storm off into the woods or something and Dana would go after him.  It took her away from the rest of the tribe all the time.  Now that Guy's gone, though, she's been able to do a lot more stuff with us.
(It is mid-morning.  Kent and Chris are tying sheaves of thatching to the frame
of the shelter, finally finishing the work on the jungle side of the lean-to.  Abigail
and Connie wait for a pot of water to boil while Dana assists the men in building)
Chris:  Is this the last one?
Kent:  Yep.  Let's finish the heifer off.  Dana, you got that last piece?
Dana: (smiles at Chris) Here you go.
Chris:  Hold it there and I'll tie it up.
(Dana holds the thatched piece in place while Chris works on the knots at one end.  He completes it
and turns around to grab more twine.  When he turns back, he nudges the piece Dana is holding and
it slips from her fingers.  They both go to grab it, and Dana gets it first, so Chris winds up grabbing
Dana's hand.  They hold the position a moment, Dana beaming up at Chris from under her lowered brow)
Chris:  'Bout lost it.  Good catch.
(Chris lets go, and Dana moves on to hold the piece back in place)
Dana:  Here, tie me down.
(Dana smiles and gestures to the other end of the piece she's holding.  Chris doesn't
respond, but goes to work on tying the knots to hold up the final portion of the roof)
Chris:  Guess it's done.

Chris: (Narrating) Well, we finished the shelter up today, but while we were doing it, Dana was getting a little friendly.
Dana: (Announcing) Hey everybody, the shelter's finished!
Connie:  Yay!  Now we'll all be able to fit under there and be dry!  We need to celebrate.  That thing took a long time to get done.  I don't guess we can't have much of a party out here, though.
Abigail: (in a low, scratchy, loud voice) What we need is some beer!

(Abigail pounds her fist down to emphasize the word "beer" and then giggles at herself)
Kent:  You'd like that, eh Abigail?
Connie:  Oh Abigail, you're such a joker.  I know you wouldn't drink any if we had it.
Abigail: (maintaining the attention given to her) I could put down a pint in no time flat.
(While Connie, Kent, and Abigail contnue chattering, Dana looks at Chris)
Dana:  The shelter looks really good.  I know you put a lot of work into it.  I appreciate all the work you do, Chris. Thanks.
Chris:  I guess I just don't want to have to sleep in the rain.
Dana:  It would be nice to do something other than just work all the time out here, wouldn't it?
Chris:  I don't know, it's not so bad.
Chris: (Narrating) She's always dropping these hints and stuff, like she just can't wait to get away with me.  Personally, I think I'd rather not go.
Dana:  We could go exploring a little bit now that this is done.
Chris:  Why don't we wait a while and see if anyone else wants to go?
Dana: (a little disappointed) OK, we'll see.
Dana: (Narrating) Chris is a really nice guy.  He always listens and you can tell that he cares about you.  I'm soooo glad he's on my tribe.  I wish I could get to know him a little better, but it always seems like there are other people around.  There's not much privacy out here.
(While the tribe finishes the shelter, Susan and Lance are down the beach having a talk)
Lance: (Narrating) I don't like for things to go on in this tribe that I'm not aware of, and frankly, that last vote made me nervous.  I'm going to make d*** sure nothing like that happens again.
Lance:  The next time we go to council, I want to be sure of how the vote is going to go.  I'm pretty sure that it was Chris and Abigail trying to pull something last time.
Susan:  Dude, don't obsess over it.  I'll try to find out what's up with Chris.  I don't think he would want to make an alliance with Abigail.  But why are you so worried about this, anyway?
Lance:  I plan to go to the end of this game, and I don't like surprises along the way.  Don't you want to be in the final four?
Susan:  Duh, maybe it would be nice to get voted off next...  H*** yes, I'm going to be in the final four.  I just don't think I need to get all worried about it yet.
Lance:  I just don't think we should leave anything to chance.
Susan: (pointing) Hey, fish!
Lance: (turning to look) Huh?
(Lying on the beach in front of them are five more fish, just like the other ones.  They go up to inspect them)
Susan:  D***, it's easy to find food out here.
Lance:  Where are these things coming from?
Susan: (shrugs) Unnoh.  Let's go eat 'em.  Here fishy!
(Susan and Lance collect the fish and return to camp with them)
Connie:  Hey guys, the shelter's done!
Susan:  Well we got some more fish.
Abigail: (old lady voice) Well, I be.
Abigail: (Narrating) Susan and Lance got more fish today.  Guess those things just jump up out of the water...
Susan:  Let's cook 'em.  Where's the knife?
Dana: (looking over from where she is standing by Chris) Did they wash up on shore again?  Are they OK to eat?
Kent:  Do they smell OK?
Susan:  They just smell like fish.  They're a little old, but I don't think they'll hurt us.
Lance:  Let's get 'em going, Susan.
(Cut to shot of the fish frying in the pan.  Some grease
pops out and lands in the fire, where it sizzles into a vapor)

(It is later that afternoon, and Matt and Jeff are putting the final touches on the shelter)
Matt: (Narrating) I tried to explain the truth about Michelle to Jeff this morning, and all he ended up doing was defending her.  Yeah... It was, uh, kinda funny.

Matt:  Hey Jeff, can I talk to you about something?
Jeff: (shrugs) Shoot.
Matt:  I'm pretty concerned about what Michelle's doing to our tribe.
Jeff:  What's your deal with Michelle, man?  She ain't that bad a person.  You make her out to be worse than she really is.
Matt: She's just out here to use people and make it as far as she can in the game.  There's always some girl like her in the game.  It's just like in high school.  You've got the popular people who are able to manipulate other people into doing what they want, but you're never sure why people even listen to them.

(Jeff listens, interested, as he continues tying down the final parts of the roof.  When Matt
stops talking, he stops to think a moment, then looks up at Matt, a little indignant)
Jeff:  I don't see that she's manipulating us.  She ain't manipulating me.
Matt:  The thing is, you just don't see it.  She's really sneaky.  She thinks that she can use her looks and her flirting to get everybody on her side.
Jeff:  If she does that, she don't do it on purpose (Thinks a second) Do you really think she's smart enough to do that?
Matt:  You just watch.  She's working right now to get an alliance with you and Sara and Kirk.  She'll use you as long as she can control you, and then she'll just cut you off.  So, we need to get rid of her now.  We could probably even throw a challenge or something next time and take her out then.
Jeff:  Man, you're nuts.  I ain't gonna throw no challenges.  Not to get rid of Michelle or nobody.  I'm here to win this thing, and I'm not going to lay down and let that other tribe walk all over Hugo for nothin'.
Matt:  Well we don't have to throw the challenge then.  But you have to believe me that she's not going to help you.  You just can't see it right now because you're falling under her spell.
(At this, Jeff, lets drop the materials he's working with and turns to point his finger at Matt)
Jeff:  Look Matt, I'm not falling under nobody's spell out her or nothin' like that.  I know what I'm doing, and I know Michelle.  You got some kind of problem with her?  Fine.  Take it out on her.  But stop talking about the girl when she ain't here to defend herself.
(During this, Jeff has moved closer to Matt, a little menacingly.  Matt backs
away, realizing that he's not going to make it anywhere with Jeff on the issue)
Matt: (raising his hands) Hey, I'm just trying to help you out, Jeff.  You can't say I didn't warn you about this.
 (At this, Matt turns and walks off, leaving Jeff to fume as he picks up his palm fronds
and goes back to work on finishing the roof.  He mutters to himself as he works.
Jeff: (Narrating) D***!  That kid makes me mad sometimes!  Doin' all his gossiping about Michelle when she ain't here to stand up for herself.
  (Matt sullenly joins Nancy, Big Scott and Sara back at the
fire.  At this point they hear Kirk yell at them from the woods)
Kirk:  We got something for you!
(Nancy, Sara and Big Scott turn to see what he's talking about and notice that he's carrying a rather
large fish with him.  Michelle is trailing along behind, bearing the fishing net.  Matt does not turn to look)
Michelle:  We caught a really big fish, ya'll!  Warm up that frying pan!
Big Scott:  Yes!!!  More FUD!
Michelle:  It was Kirk's idea to go out this late.  I just kind of helped him with the net.
(Hearing the commotion, Jeff wanders back over to the group, still a little peeved about the incident
with Matt.  Michelle and Kirk enter the campsite, and Nancy goes over to inspect the fish they've brought)
Nancy:  That's a big one all right.  I'll see what I can do with it before it gets too dark.
Michelle:  I'll help you with it.  I wanna see how you cook those things anyway.
Matt: (just audibly) Why?  So you'll be more valuable to us when you vote Mrs. Gingham off?
Michelle: What'd you say?
Matt:  Oh, you know what I said.  You're just in trying to figure out what to do to make her more expendable so that Jeff and Sara won't mind voting her off.  I know what you're doing.
(The group's attention comes to focus on Matt as he sits by the fire and stares
at Michelle.  She looks back at him, acting more shocked than she really is)
Michelle:  Hey kid, why don't you stop attacking me?  It's getting pretty old, and we're all getting tired of it.
(Michelle turns away dismissively)
Matt:  Maybe we're getting tired of watching you try to manipulate us.
(Michelle mouths "what?" and turns to face Matt)
Michelle:  What the h*** are you talking about?  How can you just sit there and accuse me of being manipulative?  You don't even know me!
Matt:  I know the type.  You think you can control everybody here and take control of our votes.  It's not going to work.  You're bad for this tribe and we're going to stop you.
Jeff: (standing up) Matt, didn't I just tell you five minutes ago to lay off?  I'm gettin' tired of you picking on Michelle all the time.
Sara:  Yeah!  She just brought us a fish, and now you're assaulting her like she were breaking us apart?  I think that if anyone is bad for this tribe, it's you.
Matt:  You know what I'm talking about.  Biggie, Nancy, Kirk, please tell me you're able to see through this.
Kirk: (Narrating) Matt asked us if we could see through Michelle, so I sat there and tried to stare through her clothes for a while, but I couldn't really do anything more than imagine.
Kirk:  Sorry, I can't see anything.
Matt:  You're just afraid to say anything because you know that if you do, she'll try to vote you off next.  I know I'm not the only one who sees what's going on here.
(Big Scott and Nancy stay quiet at this, waiting to see how the others will react to Matt's comments)
Michelle: (yelling) Look, no one's on your side on this, stupid.  Maybe we will vote you off next!  Why would we want you around when all you do is make accusations and bring down the team?
Sara:  She's got a point, Matt.
(Matt continues looking at Nancy and Big Scott, waiting for some kind of response from them)
Matt:  Fine, I guess you guys aren't willing to say anything about it. (sighs) I'll just drop it.
Michelle:  Maybe we don't want to drop it, you little s***!  Maybe we want you to apologize!
Sara:  Yes, I think that maybe an apology would be nice.
Michelle: (yelling) And it better be a d***ed good apology too, you repulsive little a**hole!  You've been treating me like s*** since the day we got out here, and I'm f***ing sick of it.  Now apologize before I really get mad!
Matt:  Oh right.  Like I'm going to apologize for telling the truth.
Michelle:  The truth?  The f***ing truth?  I'll show you the truth, you punk.  You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the a**!  Gawd.  I swear, you're a worthless little loser.
(Michelle has gotten herself pretty worked up and she's approaching Matt, who continues to just sit there
and is looking at the fire, knowing that this won't go anywhere.  Michelle walks over and gets in Matt's face)
Michelle:  Now listen here, you poor little f***, I want an apology out of you.
(Jeff, sensing that this could get violent, approaches Michelle to restrain her.  Meanwhile, Nancy
just stays back watching, not really wanting to interfere and glad for fact that someone else is in the
spotlight.  Big Scott shakes his head nervously, and Sara is starting to get uptight at all the conflict
going on.  Kirk takes the opportunity to follow Michelle's breasts with his eyes as she charges around)
Jeff:  Hey Michelle, why don't you back off a little?
Matt: (not looking at Michelle) I told you.
Michelle:  You told me what?  What?  Tell me now to my face, s***head.
Jeff:  Michelle! Back off!
(Jeff grips Michelle firmly by the upper arm and she draws away from Matt)
Michelle: (scoffs at Matt) Yeah, big man.
Nancy:  Come on Michelle, let's get to work on the fish.
Michelle:  Whatever.

Michelle: (Narrating) Matt?  Oooh!  I f***in' hate that kid!  He has f***ed with the wrong woman!  You do not make accusations like that against me.  I will fry his a**!  Come Tribal Council, he'd better watch himself, that's all I'm saying.

(Nancy and Jeff lead Michelle away from Matt.  Big Scott goes over to sit by him,
and Sara, not knowing what else to do, goes over to make small talk with Kirk)
Nancy: (Narrating) So tonight we had the great explosion.  Matt's completely right about Michelle, and I want her gone as badly as he does, but that was simply childish.  We're going to have to be subtle about how we get rid of her, and now I'm going to have to work extra hard just to keep people from voting off Matt.  He's a useful ally, but the boy's digging his own grave here.
(Camera pans up to the moon over the camp)

Tolstoy - Day 8
Kent: (Narrating) Our tribe is starting to develop some little cliques.  For the most part they make sense to me.  As a for instance, Connie and I spend a lot of time together because we're the old farts around here.  Or you got Lance and Susan, who aren't happy unless they're trying to out-complain each other.  But one that strikes me as a little weird is Dana and Chris.  Dana just fawns all over that boy, and you can tell he'd rather be somewhere else, but he puts up with her anyway.  Could just be strategy, I guess.
(Chris and Dana are out taking a walk through the jungle away from the rest of the tribe.  Chris
has a stick and is keeping his eyes mostly on the ground as he listens to Dana make chitchat)
Dana:  So I think I could have been OK as a drum major, but I decided that the band probably needed me more as a player because we were so small.
Chris: (trying to keep up the conversation) So you were pretty good?
Dana:  I practiced a lot.  We didn't have many flutes, so I felt like I had to do my best with it.
(There is a lull in the conversation, as it is obvious that both of
them have their minds elsewhere.  They walk on for a few moments)
Dana:  I really like talking to you Chris.  You always listen to me and make me feel important.  I'm so glad you're my friend.
Chris: (trying to avoid her hinting) I like to listen to people, I guess.
Dana: (hesitating) You know, if you wanted to, you and I could be more than friends...  If you'd like.
Chris: (sighs) Dana...  That might not be a good idea out here.
Dana:  Well, that doesn't matter.  The game will be over at some point, and then afterwards...
Chris: (finally facing it) Dana, I appreciate this and I'm pretty flattered, but I don't want to be anything more than just friends with you.  I don't think it would work.
Dana: (taking it hard) You don't want me?...
Chris:  It's just, I don't think you're my kind of girl, Dana.  Sorry.
(Dana's eyes fill with tears.  She stares at Chris a little while, then looks sadly at the ground)
Dana:  OK...
(Dana suddenly turns around and bolts back the way
they came, sobbing.  Chris looks back after her, shocked)
Chris:  Dana!  Hey Dana!
Chris: (Narrating) I knew Dana had a big crush on me, but what was I going to do about it?  We're out here to play a game, and she's not the kind of person who's going to help me win.  I'm not manipulative enough to lie to her about something like that, so I just told her I didn't want to start anything with her.  She took it pretty hard.  I don't really think that this is the kind of situation where a person meets their true love, though.  It just wouldn't work.
(Chris stays for a little while, then slowly makes his way back to camp.  When he arrives, Susan
is cooking fish while Abigail, Connie, Lance and Kent play spades.  Dana is nowhere to be seen)
Chris:  Hey, did Dana come back here?
Kent:  Nope, haven't seen her.  We thought she was with you.
Chris:  I don't think she's very happy with me.
Connie:  Why?  What happened?
Chris:  Oh, I just made her a little upset, I think.
Connie:  Do we need to go look for her?
Chris:  I think she'll show up eventually.  We can just stay here for now.
Susan:  Well, I've got some more of the fish. It's about done.  Everybody want some?
(No one responds immediately.  Connie and Lance look at each other, then look reluctantly at Kent)
Connie:  Last time it didn't taste very good to me.  I think there's something wrong with it.
Abigail:  I don't want any, thank you.
Susan: (to Chris) You want some?
Chris:  Nah, I'm not that hungry, I guess.  I think I'll go see if we have tree mail.
Abigail:  I'll go with you.  Mrs. Schwartzman and I just lost again anyway.
(Susan looks around at the others)
Susan:  Am I going to eat all this myself, or what?
Kent:  I'll take a little bit of it.
Lance:  Me too, but not too much.  It gave me the s***s last time I ate it.
Susan:  Connie?
Connie:  No thanks, I'll stick with Pokenoboys.
Susan:  More fishies for me!
(Abigail and Chris leave to get treemail while the others reluctantly start on the fish)
Abigail:  What happened with Dana?
Chris:  You probably know her better than I do.  Just ask her about it.  What's this thing say? (reads)
You've been able to see them
But they're too quick for you.
With help from your best friend
There'll be feasting to do.
Look down from above
And follow direction,
If you see the big picture
Then you'll pass inspection.
Abigail:  Welp, sounds like a challenge.
Chris:  Oh, right.  Thanks.  .

Reward Challenge:  Pegboard Picture Puzzle 
(Shots of a cluster of long poles sticking up out of the ground with squares of plywood on top, a
platform elevated 20 feet off the ground, and the tops of the squares with various colors and
shapes marked on them. Tolstoy arrives just ahead of Hugo and both teams file onto their mats
at approximately the same time. Jeff notices that Guy is gone and turns to whisper to Nancy)
Probst:  Hey guys.  Come on in.
Well as you may or may not know, Nicaragua is a poor country.  It is also a country full of dogs. This makes for a puzzling combination.  Today, the dogs of this country will be helping you play for a reward.
You see back there two clusters of 25 ten-foot poles.  Atop each pole, a piece of a picture.  One member of each tribe will be the caller.  The caller will stand on the twenty foot platform in front of you, Tolstoy on the right, Hugo on the left.  Beneath the callers is a board with holes in it for the poles.  The caller you select will guide the rest of the team in placing the poles in their appropriate positions to create a picture.  When oriented properly relative to the mats surrounding the pegboard, the picture will show a Nicaraguan dog in its most common posture.
The first tribe to correctly assemble the picture will win reward.  Do you guys want to know what you're playing for?
Connie:  Ooh, I hope it's food!
Probst:  Not quite, but it might help you get some.  We've got a snorkel, fishing spear, and a net to keep what you catch.  Sound good?
Susan: That's cool.
Probst:  OK, I need a caller for each team.  The rest of you can take spots by the poles.
(Nancy and Connie are selected to climb the platform while the others go to the poles.  The
callers begin facing one another, their backs to the puzzle pieces, and Jeff stands between the two)
Probst: This is for reward.  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!
(Nancy and Connie turn around to get a look at the pieces.  Connie takes a
moment to take it all in, while Nancy almost immediately begins issuing orders)
Nancy: Jeff, get that one directly behind you and bring it up to the row closest to me.
(Jeff enlists Sara to help and while they are still pulling the
pole from its holder, Nancy is making her next move)
Nancy:  Kirk, Michelle, that one between you needs to come up right next to Jeff's piece.  Jeff, put that in your front left corner.  Scott, the one that's two poles to your right needs to be in the center on that row.
BIg Scott: (pointing to the one next to what Nancy wants) This one?
Matt:  Next one over, genius.
BIg Scott:  Eat me, jerk.
Matt:  No thanks, I don't really like fatty foods.
(The pair moves to grab the indicated pole.  Meanwhile, Tolstoy is getting impatient with Connie)
Lance:  C'mon Mrs. Schwartzman!  What are we supposed to do here?
Connie:  OK, I think I've got it!  We need those ones with the green edges first.  Kent, you and Chris grab that one on the left.
Kent: (grabbing the pole on his left) This one?
Connie:  Oh, poo, your other left.
Chris:  You mean your left?
Connie:  Right.
Chris: (smiling) Your right?
Connie:  Oh, you know what I mean!
(Chris and Kent grab the proper pole and bring toward the pegboard.  By this time,
Jeff and Sara and Kirk and Michelle have deposited their poles and are headed back to
the cluster while Matt and Big Scott maneuver the awkward piece into position)
Nancy:  Now, Jeff, the one on the far left side by the tall tree.  Kirk, you and Michelle follow him and go to the one six to the right of that one.  It will be the sixth one over.
(Nancy continues to efficiently give commands to her tribe, and she has her first row assembled before
Connie even gets two pieces correctly in place.  However, Connie keeps plugging away at her own pace)
Connie:  Lance, Abigail, bring that forward and put it in my bottom... (thinks) right corner.
Lance: (lowly) Yeah, I'll put my foot in your bottom if you don't hurry up...
Abigail: (giggling a little) You said "bottom..."
(Working at this same rate, Nancy works her way through four out of five rows
in the amount of time it takes Connie to make it through two rows.  Connie sneaks
a peek over her shoulder to see how Hugo is progressing and gets distressed)
Connie:  Ohhhh, we need to hurry guys!  They're almost done!
Kent: (getting frustrated) Well, you've got to tell us what to do!
Connie  I'm trying!  Dana, that one on the right!
Probst:  Tolstoy, don't give up!  You're still in this!
(At this point, Nancy is slowing down a little as she realizes that Hugo
is nearing victory.  The picture she has assembled is of a nearly skeletal
dead dog with flies gorging themselves on its decaying flesh.  The final row
just requires that she assemble the rest of the head and the background.
Unfortunately, in her rush to get it finished, Nancy has not noticed that the background
of the bottom of her picture is blue, but the mats surrounding it on the ground are all green.
She has assembled the picture upside down, and the dog's legs are facing the wrong direction)
Nancy:  We're almost there!  Jeff, put that one on your far right in the center.  Scott, get back there and grab the one standing by itself and put it on my right in the corner.  Kirk, Michelle, the last one goes in between.
(Hugo obeys readily, believing themselves to be nearly finished.  Kirk and Michelle,
tiring by this point, slowly bring the last piece over to complete their picture)
Michelle:  Hey guys, let's all put a hand on this one!
(Hugo moves over to put in the last peg as a team.  As it goes in, Nancy beckons to Probst to
come check their work.  He inspects the picture, looks at his card, then squints at the picture again)
Lance:  Aw, f***, they've got it.
(Lance lets go of the piece that he and Abigail are holding, and it nearly falls over on Abigail before
Chris reaches a hand over to help her steady it.  Tolstoy stops moving and Connie turns to look at Probst)
Probst:  Hugo, no, you don't have it.  Your picture's upside-down.
Nancy: (Helen-like) What?
Probst:  It doesn't match the background.  You've got to move it, guys.
Jeff:  D***!  We gotta move the whole thing again?
Nancy: (frustrated, but thinking) We can just turn the center, but we have to switch the other four rows!
Michelle:  S***!
(While Hugo responds very negatively to this piece of news, Tolstoy brightens at it)
Connie:  Do you hear that?  We've still got time!  Lance, help Abigail get that one into the center on the fourth row!
Kent: (encouraging his team) We'll whip this one yet, Tolstoy!  Let's pull out the stops!
Connie:  Dana, Chris, that one there's my left corner!  Abigail, rotate that one 180 degrees!
(Tolstoy begins their final row and as the pieces run out, the going gets much easier.  Nancy
issues orders frantically to rebuild her puzzle.  Jeff, cursing under his breath, starts moving
the giant poles by himself, leaving Sara to just stand out of the way and watch him hurry by.
After a moment she goes to the center to start rotating the pieces there by herself, but even
as Hugo increases their efforts, it becomes obvious that they'll never be able to catch up)
Big Scott: (looking over at Tolstoy) It sounds like the fat lady's warming up.
Matt: (nodding his head toward a sweating Michelle) I'd say she looks pretty warm already.
Probst:  Tolstoy, down to their last piece!
(Kent and Chris manhandle the last pole and lug it over to the final position in the pegboard)
Connie:  OK everybody, that's it!  That's the last one!  Turn it once (thinks) clockwise!
(They turn the pole as indicated and allow it to drop into the hole.  Connie motions excitedely to Probst)
Connie:  Get over here!
(Jeff scrutinizes his picture a moment, compares to the puzzle and raises his arms)
Probst:  Tolstoy!  That's reward!
(Jeff, hearing this, stops running and throws his piece to the ground.  Matt blinks hard
and looks around, holding his pole, and Nancy just winces and shakes her head.  Meanwhile,
Tolstoy celebrates as the guys exchange high fives and Dana jumps up and down clapping)
Probst:  Your new equipment will be waiting for you when you get back to camp.  You guys can head on out.
(Connie clambers down and Tolstoy leaves triumphantly.  Nancy gets
a few angry glares from Hugo as they leave the challenge area)

(The tribe returns from the challenge in generally high spirits with their new winnings.  Lance
and Kent lead the way home, and Chris stays up front with them.  Susan and Dana trail behind)
Lance:  Oooh! I teach gifted children! I'm in MENSA! I make pictures upside-down like a retarded chimpanzee!
Chris:  We'd better watch out, or they'll win all the mental challenges.
(Kent smiles at the exuberance of the younger guys.  At the back of the line, Susan is not as happy)
Susan:  Gawd, my stomach hurts.  I felt like I was gonna throw up there at the end of the challenge.
Dana:  Are you going to be all right?
Susan:  I think I just need to lie down.  I'll be fine once I get back to camp.
Dana:  Do you need some help?
Susan:  Uhh... (grunts) Yeah, maybe.
Dana:  Hey, Mrs. Schwartzman, Abigail, come here!
(The women cluster together at the back of the procession to help Susan while the men move on out of sight)
Dana:  Susan is sick.
Connie:  Do you need any help?
Susan:  I'll be fine once I get to camp.  Just don't let me fall down or anything.
Connie:  Well, we're here if you need us.
Susan: (Narrating) It's so freakin' embarrassing to get sick.  I hate having to rely on other people.  And I really hate it when people think I'm weak.  So, I just try to get along the best I can in spite of it.
Susan: (wanting to seem OK) So Dana, what happened with you and Chris?
Dana:  Oh... (tears well up in her eyes) He, we...  I wanted to see if he was interested in me, and he said he didn't think so.  Not out here, anyway.
Susan:  So you were just hitting on the guy?  Oh come on, Dana, show yourself a little more respect than that.
(Dana starts sobbing)
Susan:  We're in a game here.  There's no reason to get all mushy on him.  You've just got to keep that part of yourself out of this situation for a while.  I mean, what'd you expect from him?
Dana: (crying) I don't know...
Connie:  It'll be fine, Dana.
(Connie moves to console Dana, leaving Abigail to help support Susan, who's trying to not show
how badly she's hurting.  The two pairs separate a bit as Connie and Dana move ahead faster)
Susan:  I swear, she needs help.  She'd hook up with a telephone pole if you left them together in a room for long enough.
(Abigail just lets out a little laugh. The tribe returns to camp)
Chris: (Narrating) When we got back to camp, the girls all seemed a little weird.  Susan wasn't feeling very well, and I didn't want to talk to Dana.  Lance was running his mouth, as usual, and I just wanted to get away from it all.  So I got our new snorkel and the spear and I thought I'd try them out.  It was a nice excuse to get away from those people for a while.
(Chris strips down to his swimming trunks and wades out into the ocean with the new gear.  He straps on his
flippers and paddles out for a while to see what he can find.  Chris isn't able to spear any of the small, fast
fish near the shore, so he goes out a little farther.  When he has looked for a while, he sees a box stuck in
the sand about ten feet down.  He dives down to investigate.  The box says "Carnival Cruises" on the side)
Chris: (Narrating) I just went out there to find some fish or something, but I didn't know I'd find quite what I did.  It was truly shocking for me, so I rushed back to camp to tell everyone else about it.
(Chris emerges from the water with the spear in one hand and a net full
of fish in the other.  As he walks up to the campsite, Connie notices him)
Connie:  Does Chris have what I think he does in his net?
(Susan, who is lying on her back with her arms over her eyes, strains her head up to see)
Susan:  Oh Lord, I don't even want to look at another fish right now.
Chris: (waving) Hey guys!  Check this out!
(Chris comes into the campsite and everyone gathers around him.  He dumps his net of fish on the
ground by the fire.  Some of them look fine, but most of them are obviously rotten and smell very bad)
Kent:  Whoo-eeee, those stink to high heaven.
Chris:  I solved the mystery of where our fish are coming from.  There's a big Carnival Cruise box full of these submerged about thirty feet out there.
Connie:  You're joking, right?
Chris:  No.  I guess some ship must have dumped them out with its garbage when it went by.  That's probably why Susan is sick.  They meant to throw them away.
Abigail:  I ate somebody's garbage?  Gross!
Susan:  Oh, s***.
(Everyone looks at Susan, who turns over on her side and throws up
right there in front of them.  She then groans and turns back over)
Abigail:  Yuck!
Kent: (to Chris) Maybe we should move those fish, huh?
Abigail: (Narrating) Well, the fish we've been eating have all been rotten.  They're just somebody's garbage!  Now Susan's really sick, and everyone else might get sick too.  It just gross.  It's good for me, though, because it means that we're probably going to have to vote Susan off now.  There's no way we can keep her around if she's this bad.
(Shot of Susan's vomit trickling down to where the pile of fish is lying)

Michelle: (Narrating) Nancy sure f***ed up that last challenge for us.  She thinks she's our leader?  Fatty could've done a better job on that one.  She's not going to boss us around if she's gonna choke under pressure.
(Michelle and Kirk are going to get water after the challenge)
Michelle:  We had that challenge wrapped up, and Nancy just threw it away because she can't tell a dog's head from its a**.
Kirk:  We shoulda had me up there - I'm the a** master.
Michelle:  Yeah, no way you'd put a dog's a** on upside down.  None of us would've.  Grandma's getting blind.
Kirk:  I bet she'd still be able to get it right if it were two dogs humping.
Michelle: (ignoring Kirk) I don't want her calling the shots any more.
Kirk:  You mean in challenges or what?
Michelle:  No, I mean around camp.  I'm tired of her being bossy and wrong.  It's like being in school.
Kirk:  Then let's fry the b****.
Michelle:  Exactly.
(They arrive at the water hole and Michelle lets Kirk hold the jugs while she dips out the water)
Kirk:  Do you want to get her next time?
Michelle:  Well, there's still that little creep Matt.  I hate that guy.
Kirk:  Let me know what you want to do.
Kirk: (Narrating) Michelle and I started talking some strategy today after the challenge.  We both wanna screw Nancy over A-S-A-F-P.  Of course, she still wants to b****-slap Matt bigtime.  Michelle ain't someone you want to f*** with.
(Elsewhere, Nancy is out with Jeff and Sara, gathering firewood)
Nancy: (Narrating) After that fiasco at the challenge, I felt like it would be beneficial to do some damage control with the troops.
Nancy: (breaks a branch) I'm sorry for that challenge today.  That was entirely my fault.
Jeff:  Aw, don't worry 'bout it none.  We don't need that fishing spear anyway.  We just got a big net, and I sure don't know how to use the thing.  It would be pretty fun to try it out, though.
Sara:  But it's not that big a deal.  You just made a little mistake.
Nancy:  I just want to apologize and let you know that I accept full responsibility for it.  I probably shouldn't do calling positions any more in challenges.
Jeff:  Naw, you don't need to quit.  We still need you.  People listen to you and you do good.  You just messed up once.  It'll be a'ight.
(Jeff pats Nancy on the back and turns to go pick up a larger branch)
Jeff: (Narrating) I hate losing as much as the next guy, but I'm not about to let Nancy go blaming herself for that reward challenge today.  Anybody coulda done the same thing, and that one was no big deal.  Least it wasn't for immunity.
(Nancy turns to Sara more confidentially, out of Jeff's earshot)
Nancy:  How do you feel about the loss today?
Sara:  Well, it's always demoralizing to lose, but what are you going to do?  We've just got to pick ourselves back up and keep going.
Nancy:  Did today make you trust me less?
Sara:  No, of course not.  You're a can-do lady.  You just had a bad day.
Nancy:  Sara, let me be candid with you.  I know that our loss today didn't make me any more popular with the rest of the tribe, and I'm already on thin ice with a few.  You know what I'm talking about.
Sara:  Oh, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think.
Nancy:  I'm not blind Sara, and I know that you aren't naive.  Michelle and Kirk just plain don't like me, and I'm not sure that Scott trusts me much.
Sara:  Well I still trust you.  You know what you're doing, and you understand... things.
Sara: (Narrating) Mrs. Gingham talked with me about strategy today, and she was all disconcerted about whether or not I still trusted her.  The fact of the matter is, she knows what she's doing and I don't.  I'm still trying to learn this game, and I think that she's the best person to teach me.
Nancy:  Then can I still count on your support?
Sara:  Yes
Nancy:  You're a smart girl, Sara.  I think you and I can go very far in this game together.  Let's back to gathering wood.
Nancy: (Narrating) So among my support from Jeff and Sara, Matt's relentless antagonism against Michelle, and Kirk and Michelle's general ineptitude, I feel much safer in this tribe than I did a few days ago.  I've just got to remain a few steps ahead of the competition.
(The sun sinks low in the sky and soon the moon is rising
over the dark jungle.  The stars rush by and morning breaks)

Tolstoy - Day 9
(Morning arrives at Tolstoy.  Connie stares wistfully at the ocean)
Connie: (Narrating) The mood around camp has been a real downer since yesterday.  Susan is sick, we can't eat our fish anymore, and Dana is sulking about Chris.  The guys are handling it mostly by avoiding the girls, I think, but somebody's got to take care of the problems we have around here, because these girls are hurting.
(Susan lies on her back in all her clothes by the fire.  She is shivering.  Connie comes over and sits by her)
Connie: How are you doing, Susie?
Susan:  I had the s***s all night and I've been shivering all morning.  It ain't pretty.  Could you get me some water?
Connie:  Sure thing.  Have you been drinking much?
Susan:  As much as I can.  I feel bad lying around doing nothing and drinking all the water.
Connie:  Don't worry about it.  You need it if you're having diarrhea still.  We don't want you to get dehydrated.
(Kent and Lance emerge from the shelter and stretch)
Kent:  It's sure gonna be a hot one today.
Lance:  It's getting pretty warm already.  How are you doing, Susan?
Susan:  Could be better.
(Susan decides that she's getting warm, and she takes off her long-sleeved shirt,
revealing her swimsuit top.  She notices Lance staring at her body as she does so)
Susan: (Narrating) We don't need sick people out here.  The consensus around the camp is that Cammie must have been voted off because she got sick, and at the time it seemed like a good idea to vote off sick people. (pauses) I think Lance is a pretty sick person too.  Not physically, I just mean he's such a perv.  He's always staring at me, and it can sure get on your nerves. (shudders) I don't like the idea that he might be staying up at night fantasizing about me.
(Kent goes over and inspects the status of the water.  He notes that it is pretty low)
Kent:  Guess Susan's been hitting the water pretty hard, huh?
Connie:  She's got diarrhea.
Kent:  Well, let's go get some more.
(Kent and Connie head off into the woods with the water jugs
while Lance plops down to keep Susan company)
Connie:  The morale around camp is just so low right now.  Susan is sick and Dana's all upset.
Kent:  Dana? What's her problem?
Connie:  Apparently she and Chris had some kind of falling out.
Kent:  Chris hasn't said anything about it.  What's happened?
Connie:  Well, I suppose Dana wanted to start something romantic with Chris, and he wasn't interested.  Dana's just gone on about it every time Chris has left.  It's driving me batty.  I feel sorry for the girl, but I wish she'd find something else to talk about.  It's just stressing me out.
Kent:  I would have expected something tougher out of Dana.  Maybe she's not as strong-minded as I thought she was.
(Back at camp, Abigail and then Chris emerge from the shelter and go sit by the fire for
a while, trying to blink away the early-morning drowsiness.  Chris eventually gets up)
Chris:  I'm going to go look for something to eat.
Abigail: (quickly getting up) I'll go with you, Chris.
(As Abigail turns and dusts off her rear, Lance looks at Susan and rolls his eyes)
Chris:  OK, we'll be back pretty soon.
(Chris and Abigail hike toward the usual trees, looking for fruit.  Abigail starts the conversation, as usual)
Chris: (Narrating) Today Abigail approached me about strategy again. I hate to say it, but she's actually starting to make some sense. That girl's got good ideas, but I'm not sure if she can follow through on them.
Abigail:  Well, Chris, since Dana messed up the vote last time, we've got to just keep voting with the others until we combine tribes.  That might be a long time, so we'll have to be sneaky about it.
Chris:  You think so?
Abigail:  It's got to be either Dana or Susan.  I'm not sure that we can trust Dana any more, since she didn't vote with us last time.  But now would be a great time to get rid of Susan.  We can vote against her now because she's sick, and no one will suspect what we're really doing.
Chris:  She might still get better between now and the next Tribal Council.
Abigail:  But we've already seen that she can get sick easily and she makes bad decisions.  I think that Mrs. Schwartzman might vote against her so that she'll get better, and I think Kent is sick of getting water for her.
Chris:  I don't know if it would be that easy to get rid of Susan, Abigail.  If we win immunity, she'll probably get better before we go to Tribal Council again.
Abigail:  If that happens we'll just vote for Dana.
Chris:  Well, I don't suppose I would mind if Dana left now.  I mean, I feel sorry for her, but she's getting a little weird, and the atmosphere at camp is strange.
Abigail:  I suppose it depends on whether or not we win the immunity.
Abigail: (Narrating) I've finally got a good chance to get rid of Susan, and Chris wants to throw it away because he's quarreling with Dana!  Why doesn't he ever think about strategy?  Susan and Lance are going to win this if we don't stop them.  I've just got to convince everybody that Susan is too sick to go on now.  It wouldn't be so bad if we lost this immunity challenge.
(Abigail and Chris continue picking fruit as the camera pans out)

Kirk: (Narrating) We got some serious babes here on this tribe, but like they say, "Behind every beautiful woman is a man who is sick of her whiny s***."  The other guys help keep things normal around here.
(Kirk and Big Scott laze around in the shelter with their shirts off, shooting the breeze)
Kirk:  You ever get sick of livin' with women?
Big Scott:  Yeah!  What up with them?  Sometimes it's like a big estrogen fest around here.
Kirk:  Whine, whine, whine - Nancy barks orders, Michelle just complains all the time, and Sara never wants to talk about nothin' normal.
Big Scott:  This is what happens when you take women out of their natural environment - the kitchen!
(Kirk gives Big Scott a high five)
Kirk:  You got that right.  They never shut up about their problems.  Women oughtta be seen, groped, and not heard.
Big Scott: (laughs) Well, I agree partially with you.
Kirk:  Yeah, sometimes I get sick of seeing 'em too.
(Big Scott laughs again and Kirk looks at him, a little confused)
Big Scott: (Narrating) Here's what I see: most of the tension around here revolves around the women, but we need them strategically.  It's just  a good thing that there are other males around so that we can grunt and fart and do man things.  Kirk's good for something, anyway.
(At this point, Nancy and Matt return with treemail.  Matt is carrying what appears to be a bamboo pole)
Nancy:  They've sent us another little message.  Want to hear it?
Big Scott:  What did the great Anal Probst come up with this time?
Nancy: (reads)
Practice your aim,
Get ready to shoot
If your team loses this,
You might be the next boot.
Matt:  It came with this blowgun and some darts.  They must be for the immunity challenge.
Big Scott:  Score!  We get to shoot stuff?
Matt:  Or, in your case, we get to blow darts at random and hope to God they don't kill people.
Jeff: (Narrating) So our treemail gave us a blowgun to play around with.  We got to shoot darts and play around like the natives.  It was pretty neat.  (Chuckles) 'Course, most of us couldn't hit nothin'.
(The team has set up a few of their nuts, which resemble small coconuts, on top
of a stick with a forked top. They take turns trying to hit it from varying distances)
Jeff: (hits the stick) Dang!  I can't get the things up high enough.
Kirk:  Let me shoot the b******.
(Kirk huffs into the gun from the same spot as Jeff and it doesn't even make it to the stick. Jeff laughs)
Jeff:  You gotta lay off them cigarettes, man.
Kirk:  Aw, shut up. (hands gun to Matt) You try it.
Matt:  Um, OK.
(Matt takes a second to judge his aim, then lifts the blowgun and plants a dart squarely in the nut)
Kirk:  You're s***in' me.
Matt: (Narrating) At first I thought it was just an accident that I could use the blowgun, but then once I got the hang of it, I realized that it really wasn't all that hard.  It was kinda funny.
(Shots of Matt hitting the nuts and pole several times. At the end, Jeff
walks over to inspect and sees that there are three darts in the nuts)
Jeff:  I think we found our MVP.
Big Scott: (Narrating) Matt seems to know what he's doing with that gun, and there are a couple of us who don't do too badly with it, so I think we have a good shot at winning this challenge.  That's probably good for Matt, because he's been stepping on a lot of toes lately with that Michelle crap.  He might just save his own butt today.
(Shot of another dart landing in the nut, and Big Scott giving Matt a high five)

Immunity Challenge: Last Man Standing 
(Shots of a pair of bamboo blowguns, a large net covered in colored wooden
disks, and closeups of the disks bearing the names of various survivors.  Hugo
stands on a mat across from the net as Tolstoy files in, Kent leading the way)
Probst:  Come on in guys.  First things first, Nancy, gotta take it back.
(Nancy smiles and hands Probst the idol)

Probst:  Immunity back up for grabs.
Today's challenge will test your hand-eye coordination, your breath support, and your aim.  We're going to see if your practice has paid off with those blowguns.  The game, simple.  You're going to eliminate the other tribe, player by player.  Each of you will have a blowgun and darts matching your tribe's color.  You'll all stand behind this line (gestures) ten feet from the net and aim at those disks over there, bearing the names of your fellow survivors.  If you embed a dart in a player's disk, that disk is out of play.  You each have two disks.  Once both your disks are eliminated, you're out of the game.  You'll all shoot in volleys on my go.  Be careful, because you can eliminate your own players.  You'll be staggered so that every other player is from the opposite tribe, and you'll change positions after every shot.  Last tribe with a person still standing takes home immunity.
Dana:  Too bad Guy's not here...
Probst:  Take your spots, wait for my go.

(The survivors line up with their blowguns)
Probst:  This is for immunity! Survivors ready?
Michelle:  H*** Yeah!
(The others put the blowguns to their mouths)
Probst: (doing the arm thing) Fire!
(As it's their first try, most of the survivors fire quite badly.  Chris hits Matt's target right in front
of him, and Jeff's dart careens off the side of Connie's disk, but everyone else misses)
Matt:  Hey!  Watch it, chump.
Probst:  Chris puts Tolstoy on the board.  Matt down to one.  Fire again when you're ready.
(People show a little improvement this time as they start to figure out the
new guns.  Chris puts a dart squarely into Kirk's first disk, Kent barely hits
Big Scott, Jeff and Matt both hit Lance's disks, and everyone else misses again)
Probst:  We have our first casualty!  Lance, out of the game.  Have a seat behind me here.
Lance: (Quietly) D***!
(Lance retreats to his seat and the others shift positions and prepare to fire again)
Probst:  Go!
(Chris makes his third straight hit, directly smacking Sara's first disk. Kent powerfully thrusts
his dart into Nancy, Connie just misses Michelle, Matt scores a point on Kent, Sara hits
Abigail, Big Scott hits Connie, and Abigail's dart winds up in the center of one of Chris' disks)
Probst:  A lot of hits this time!  Abigail, you hit Chris!
Chris:  Aw, come on, Abigail!
Abigail:  I didn't mean to!
(The Survivors are starting to figure out both how to use the guns and who is doing well at this point.
They move down and Probst signals for another volley.  Chris makes another direct hit on Big Scott,
but it's his last as Matt directs his fire several feet down the line to take out Chris's second disk.  Kent
scores on Michelle, Susan hits Kirk's second disk, Kirk gives Dana a hit, and Jeff eliminates Abigail)
Probst:  Big round this time!  Chris, Scott, Kirk, Abigail, take a seat.
Kent:  That's OK, Chris.  We'll take it from here.
Matt:  What's that?  You'll take it in the rear?
(Kirk and Big Scott both get a good chuckle out of this as they go to sit
down, but Kent just ignores it.  The survivors line up again to take their shots)
Probst:  Getting less crowded up there.  Fire!
(Kent just misses Matt's second disk, but Matt, again aiming down the line, plants one in
Kent's.  Susan gets one in Jeff's first disk, but the rest of Tolstoy misses.  Jeff puts the nail
in the coffin for Connie, and Nancy scores her first point.  Unfortunately, it eliminates Jeff)
Probst:  Another big round!  Kent, Connie, Jeff, have a seat!
Jeff:  Hey, that dart's brown!
Nancy: (cringing a little) Sorry!
Probst:  Matt, Sara, Michelle, Nancy, you have one left.  Only Dana and Susan left in for Tolstoy.  Susan's still untouched.  Get ready to go again.
(The Survivors shift spots and line up for shots. Matt has to move from one end of
the line down to the other, and he is now very far from Dana and Susan's remaining
plates.  Michelle is directly across from one of Susan's, and Dana from Sara's)
Probst:  Fire!
(Michelle and Dana both make hits.  Susan's dart falls short of Nancy's second disk,
and Matt's dart sails wide from Susan's second disk.  The others all miss)
Probst:  Sara out of the game.  Switch positions!
Sara: (feigning anger) Well, I never.
(The Survivors line up and fire again. Matt narrowly misses Susan's disk, but no one else makes
a hit either. Susan's dart falls well short of Nancy's disk again, although it is just across from her)
Susan:  D***, my head hurts like H***.  I can't see the d*** things.
Probst:  No action that time.  Switch spots and fire again.
(Dana finally hits Nancy's second disk, but it bounces off without sticking.  Michelle
just misses Dana, and Matt, who has moved closer now, gets Susan's second)
Dana:  Dang!
Probst:  Susan, you're done.  Have a seat.
Connie:  Come on Dana!  You can do this!
Probst:  Tolstoy, down to just Dana.  Hugo, Matt, Michelle, and Nancy all still have one.  Line up and fire again.
(Dana tries her best, but badly misses Michelle's disk.  Matt and Michelle, blowing at the same time,
both manage to put their darts in Dana's disk.  Nancy sees that they've won and doesn't even bother to fire)
Probst:  That's it.  Hugo, Immunity!  Come get it!
(Matt and Michelle both rush to Probst, but Matt, seeing Michelle go for it, stops before he gets there
and lets Michelle get the idol back. Nancy and the others come over to crowd around her in celebration.
Dana drops her head sadly and lets her blowgun fall to the ground as tears come to her eyes)
Probst:  Tolstoy, I'm sorry to say, you're coming back to Tribal Council.  See you tonight.
(Both tribes leave the field, Hugo happily, Tolstoy slowly and trudgingly)

Kent: (Narrating) Well, we lost another Immunity Challenge today, so we'll be voting another member off our own team tonight.  Somthing about this game feels just plain screwy.  It's not right to work together to build a team and then turn around and say, "You're not good enough" or "We don't like you."  It hurt the team to vote off Simmons, and it's going to hurt us even more to vote someone else off.  (grins) But this game's all about making it down to number one, so we'll have to get rid of somebody.
(Tolstoy wearily enters camp after the challenge.  Susan seems to be
walking normally, but Dana is clutching her head and looks pretty bad)
Connie:  How are you now, Susie?
Susan:  I'm feeling better.  My head's still swimming and it hurts, but my stomach's not bothering me.  It's just like a mild hangover.  'bout time I got better.
Connie:  Well, that's encouraging.  I hate to see you be sick. (notices Dana lying down) Are you all right, Dana?
Dana: (covering her eyes with her arm) I get migraines sometimes.  It's bad.
Connie:  Can we do anything for you?
Dana:  I think... I'll just lay here until Tribal Council.
Connie:  OK, but we're here if you need us.
Connie: (Narrating) I'm so sorry to see our girls getting sick.  It's hurting us in the challenges, and there's not much we can do to help them out here in the jungle.  Maybe it'll be better for them to go get some medical attention rather than staying in the game.
(Connie and Susan sit to chat by the fire, staying near Dana.  Kent
goes into the shelter looking for his bag, and Abigail follows him in)
Abigail: (Narrating) Things are coming together now.  Susan'd better watch out at Tribal Council!
Abigail:  Susan's been really sick, hasn't she?
Kent:  Yep.  That fish really messed her up.  If she'd been up to speed today, we might have won the challenge.
Abigail:  And now we're stuck voting another person off.
Kent:  That's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.  We've just got to try to keep the team strong.
Abigail:  So is that how you'll vote tonight?  To keep the team strong?
Kent:  I think it's about all we can do at this point.
Abigail: (smiles) I agree wtih you.
(Lance pulls Chris away from the group and they stride down
the beach, gently tossing Chris's football back and forth)
Lance:  Chris, last time we went to council, not everyone voted the way they said they would.  I'm not accusing you of anything, but I want to know how you're going to vote this time.
Chris:  I think it's pretty obvious who I'm going to vote for.
(Chris jerks his head in the direction of the campfire, where Dana, Susan, and Connie are gathered)
Chris:  Don't worry about it, Lance.  It's gotta go this way for now.
Lance:  OK, but you know that next time we have to get the other one before she tries to pull something funny on us.
(Chris stops a moment to stare down at the football he holds)
Chris:  Let's not get too ahead of ourselves.
Lance:  Hey, just something to think about, Chris.  We wanna be solid going into the merge.
Lance: (Narrating) I do not feel good about tonight's vote.  We're focusing on the wrong target, I think, and it might come back to bite us later on.  But I guess I can't control everything that happens out here, and sometimes things happen that you can't plan for.  That's what this game is all about:  adaptability.
(Lance and Chris return to camp.  Everyone packs up for Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 3

(Kent leads his tribe into the Tribal Council area)
Probst:  Well it's never fun coming to tribal council, but two times in a row?  Kent, how's the morale of the tribe?
Kent:  I admit, morale has been a little low for the past couple of days.  We've had some sickness and not everyone has been getting along as well as we did at first.
Probst:  You say not everyone is getting along.  Could you be more specific?
Kent:  I don't know the situation well enough to explain it to you.
Probst:  Maybe someone else does.  Chris, what has been going on?  Fill me in?
Chris:  Dana's been avoiding me since Tuesday or so.  It makes camp a little tense.
Probst:  Dana, what happened?  Why are you staying away from Chris?
Dana:  I guess I just realized that he's not who I thought he was.
Probst: (nods condescendingly) Susan, I see you're feeling better.  Do you think that your sickness has contributed to the tension at camp?
Susan:  I don't think it makes things more tense, but I can tell it's been a drag on everyone's energy I think because I've just been sitting around drinking all our water.  I wish I hadn't eaten those stupid fish.
Probst:  So are you feeling vulnerable tonight because you've been so sick?
Susan:  Of course I feel vulnerable. It's like it's some great big sin to get sick on this show.  If they feel like voting me off over it, I won't like it, but I'll understand why they did it.
Probst:  Connie, as the one who picked this tribe, how does it feel to have to start tearing it apart?
Connie: (laughs) It's so hard, Jeff! I love these kids.  It's hard to watch them get sick, it's hard to see when they have problems, it's hard when we lose, and it's especially hard when somebody has to leave.  It's like when one of your relatives dies, except you have a hand in killing them off.
Probst:  Abigail, what will be the way you decide which of your relatives you're going to kill off tonight?
Abigail:  I think, we all agree that we need to keep the tribe strong.  That's how I'm voting tonight.
Probst:  Well, It's time to vote.  Connie, you're first.
(Connie slowly and deliberately writes out a name.  She turns it to the camera.  It says Dana)
Connie:  You're a sweet girl and you can be a lot of fun, but these past days you've just brought the whole camp down.  I hope you get better soon.
(Chris votes, then Dana. She votes for Chris)
Dana:  I thought we had something, but now that you've decided you don't want to try, it's very uncomfortable to have you around.
(Lance and Kent vote.  We don't see them. Next up is Susan. She votes for Dana)
Susan:  It's between you and me tonight, and it's sure as H*** not going to be me.  He doesn't want you.  Get over it.  Bye!
(Abigail is the last one up. She votes for Susan)
Abigail:  You're sick, and this is my best chance to get rid of you.  You're just too close to Lance.  I can't get him right now, so you'll have to go instead.  Sorry.
(Abigail returns)
Probst:  I'll go tally the votes.
(Probst leaves and comes back with the canister)
Probst:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final, the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.  I'll read the votes.  First vote:
(Chris is completely expressionless at this)
Probst:  Next vote:


(Dana cringes a little at hearing her name)
(Susan doesn't react to the vote, but stares straight ahead, unflinching)
Probst:  That's one vote Chris, one vote Dana, one votes Susan.
(Chris looks sympatheticaly at Dana.  Susan looks ahead stoically.  Dana closes her eyes for the next vote).
Probst:  And the third person voted off Survivor: Nicaragua:
Probst:  That's four, it's enough.  Dana, I need you to bring me your torch.
Dana: (upbeat) Right.
Probst:  Dana, the tribe has spoken. (Snuffs her torch) It's time for you to go.
Dana:   Bye guys.  
(Dana leaves)
Probst:  Well, maybe tonight's vote will help restore some unity around camp.  You're going to need it, because these next three days... are gonna be wild.  You can head back to camp.
(The Survivors exit)  
Dana's Final words: (crying angrily) Ooohhh, why do I always do this?  I get a good chance at something and I mess it up because I get too emotional about it.  Mom, Dad, sis, sorry I looked like such a silly girl out here.  I'll just have to go out and earn a million dollars myself.  This has been a great experience, and I'm glad that I got to know these people a little better, and I even forgive Chris.  It was a fun time even if I was only here nine days.  On the bright side, I guess I can go have some food now. I'm sick of eating trees and rotten fish.  I guess that's it.  
Voting Record:
Abigail: Susan
Connie: Dana
Chris: Dana
Dana: Chris
Kent: Dana
Lance: Dana
Susan: Dana 
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